Bloodshed. - 🌥️

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Small TW for blood, but then again, Nocturnals has more blood than anything, so...


Ted had been driving for a while now, his hands warm and lightly sweating against the steering wheel in the harsh heat. His eyes glanced over at Diego, who had yet again fallen asleep in the passenger seat, obviously having been tired from all the events which they had gone through. Ted sighed out as he reached the city. Unsurprisingly, it was ruined to bits, windows were smashed, and moss was seeping down the bricked buildings. The only thing in the most tolerable shape was the sign, which read "Welcome to...".

The name was smudged. Brilliant, the one thing Ted needed. He got out of the car, slamming the door behind him as he looked up in disappointment, causing Diego to groan and stir a bit.



"Where are we...?"

"Well, I'd tell you but..." Ted gestured to the sign. Diego squinted softly before scoffing.

"Is that ancient hieroglyphics?"

"...the fuck?"

"Never mind." Diego scoffed as he got out of the car as well. Both g̶a̶y̶s̶ guys got out of the car and looked up at the ruined city. The Spanish boy blinked before looking over at Ted, a look of confusion on his face as he did so.

"Are you sure there's a community here?" He asked, earning a slightly uncertain nod from the blonde.

"Uh... well I thought-" He was suddenly cut off by a gunshot, both boys getting startled. Diego let out a sharp gasp, his eyes widening as Ted let out a high pitched shrieked and jumped at least 65 feet into the air. Their heads whipped around to find another guy around their age, possibly a few years older than them. He had straight black hair, pale skin and dark eyes, he wore a tattered band shirt and his jeans looked a size too big on him. Next to him was a younger girl with tanned skin, curly brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing a tattered sun dress. (An actual sundress, not those tight maxi dresses.)

"...hello?" Ted spoke a bit nervously, his eyes drifting to the younger girl who held what seemed to be a rifle too big for her. The pale boy nudged her with a disapproving glare.

"What did we say about shooting randos, Kimmy?!"

"Well, pardon me Brad, but those 'randos' could be thieves!"

"One of them literally shrieked like a mole rat, fuck you mean?!"

Diego looked back and forth between the two fighting before eventually raising his hands in surrender.

"We aren't here to hurt you! I'm Diego and this is my... friend, Ted." Diego spoke, Ted just looked nervous and looked away, pretending to be more invested in the buildings. Kim lowered the gun before pondering and rolling her eyes. Brad just sighed out, looking embarrassed by her behaviours.

"Sorry... my foster sister is a bit reckless. I'm Brad, she's Kim." The pale boy spoke, cocking her head to Kim, who waved lazily back. Ted sighed in relief, glad that the two weren't like Maggie and Mia before looking back, now being able to trust them.

"There's no nocturnals here, is there?" He asked, making Kim look up and look at Ted.

"Hate to break it to you, but there is..." She spoke, pausing to think before continuing. "It just recently came here, but since me and Brad were the only two here, I think it's safe to assume that it hasn't exactly killed anyone yet."

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