RUN. - 🩸

186 8 6

Prompt: Ted falls into a hole and encounters a nocturnal while looking for gas. Diego saves the day.

(I didn't really know how to label this chapter, but Ted does have a slight panic attack, so angst ig?)


"Damn it..."

Diego huffed out as he tried to jolt the door open to the garage they were residing in for the night, just to fix up their little car and fuel it. Ted looked up from the little rubik's cube he found, glancing at Diego with his brows slightly furrowed in concern at the way he seemed annoyed.


"The stupid door won't open... it connects to the road, and that's our only exit ticket right now. I remember seeing a generator somewhere in the back..." He recalled, moving away from the door and putting a thoughtful hand to his chin, a habit which Ted had noticed he'd do whenever he was in deep thought. Diego finally looked back at Ted, who looked back at him and nodded.

"I can go out and activate it."

"What? Are you sure? What if -"

"I did it at the school, remember?"

"Yeah, but this one is outside, I don't want you to have a run-in with a nocturnal." Diego told him. He sighed when Ted gave him a confused look. He knew he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Either way, he was still cute, so it didn't matter. "The generator for this door... it's outside. This is only a garage, so there wasn't much room to add a generator, I guess. I remember seeing it more out the back when we came here. But it's whatever, we can leave it until mo-"

"No, I can do it." Ted reassured him, he knew the dangers of completing such a task at night, but for some reason, the thought of Diego being impressed by him doing it undetected from the nocturnals made him want to do it. Diego frowned in thought, not wanting to see Ted get hurt. But Ted did own a gun.... which he used to shoot through glass doors....

"It- I- fine. Fine, the gasoline can is near the back door. Just... don't get lost." Diego said, sounding done with Ted, but also worried.

Ted grinned in triumph. He gave Diego a quick kiss on the cheek before going over to the back door. He carried the gasoline container in one hand, keeping his gun in his pocket before heading out the back door. As the door closed, Diego let out a heavy sigh and leaned back against the wall.

It was cold outside, the trees kept rustling, and the grass was long, reaching Ted's shins. Ted panted softly as he dragged the heavy can of gas with him, looking for the generator. He shivered slightly as he treated through the long grass before gasping in joy.

"It's here!"

He said to himself, eyeing the rusty machine with glee. He bounced in his spot happily before rushing over, only to hear a soft growl. Ted paused and stood up straight in confusion, his icy blue eyes darting around the rustling forest before hearing the familiar sounds again.

His jaw clenched, his breath hitching as his eyes widened. The ugly creature made its way out of the trees, revealing its gangly form, sunken eyes, and razor teeth. A nocturnal.

Ted whimpered in fear, going to run before tripping after a few steps. He yelled and fell into a hidden hole beneath the crusty leaves and grass, landing with a thump on the dirt. He gasped  and swallowed before looking up, only to see the ugly creature jump down into the hole with him.

(Panic attack here so uh- if you don't like them, read with caution!)

He didn't even realise how much he was sweating until he had placed a shaky hand on his forehead, cringing and immediately pulling it away from the sickly cool feeling. Ted grabbed his chest, as thought he could physically calm his dramatically increasing heart rate as he looked at the Nocturnal, his body working hard to get air in. 

"No... oh God, please no..." He gasped out quietly, he knew what these creatures could do. What they did to his caretakers and friends at the military base... what they did to Maggie. He could still vividly remember the way her jaw ripped apart from her skull, blood splurging everywhere.

Ted shook his head, his lungs now hurting and wheezing as he tried to climb out the hole, to no avail.

"Diego? DIEGO! DIEGO, HELP, PLEASE. DIEGO!" He cried out, immediately reaching for his gun and aiming it at the ugly creature. Ted pulled the trigger... again... again...

No bullets left.

Stupid glass door.

Stupid crow.

Ted's eyes stung at the sight of his now useless gun, almost missing the way the nocturnal spat it's acid at him. He shrieked and threw the gun at it on time, watching the weapon dissolve.

It grabbed his foot.

He's done for.

He screamed again. His throat felt raw.

Ted's eyes overflowed and he sure as hell sweat through Diego's hoodie by now.

...why can't he think straight? It's fuzzy.

"my head hurts... I feel dizzy..." He thought.

Just then, out of nowhere, a heavy boulder was pushed into the hole, alongside with some strained grunts. It fell on top of the nocturnal, crushing it under its heavy weight. The nocturnal screeched, it's cries of agony piercing alongside with the sound of a sickening crunch. It was dead.

Ted caught his breath, his head now feeling light. He put a hand to his face in pure shock, he felt something else other than sweat... were those tears?

"Ted!" Diego reached him with a rope, Ted looked at it with a dumb, blank stare. Classic himbo.

"Climb the rope, godammit!" Diego ordered, snapping Ted out his panicked gaze. The blonde immediately clung onto the rope with a startled wheeze and climbed as Diego pulled the rope back.

Diego collapsed onto the ground under the weight of Ted, who immediately clung onto him the moment he was out the hole. His breath quickened again as he began sobbing out of pure fear and slight relief.

"Di-ego! I'm sorry- I-I should've-"

"Shh, Ted, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." Diego sighed out as he gently ran a hand through his hair, trying his best to soothe Ted. Ted sniffled and looked up at him, tears running down his grimy face and a bead of sweat collecting on his slit brow. Diego sighed as he gently cupped his face, using a calloused thumb to swipe the tear away.

"...we can run the generator tomorrow morning, okay? Just... rest for now." He told Ted, who hastily nodded in agreement.

"...can you run it?"

"Ted, it'll be morning by then."

"But I don't wanna-"

"Nothing will be out."

"That's scary..."

Diego chuckled, pressing a kiss to Ted's forehead.

"'re sweating, Teddy."

"Wow. Amazing discovery."


Prompt by: RicardoMarqueZ848

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