Planetariums... - 💤

94 5 12

Prompt: They find a planetarium and decide to mess around... I love this prompt




"I remember watching a really old show... it had a horse and a girl. The girl wanted to be an architect but ended up dying in a place like this...."

"She died in a planetarium...?"

"Yeah." Ted confirmed. Both boys had stopped by at an abandoned museum, hoping to find something that could help in their journey for survival. Diego sighed out at Ted's memory before thinking and finally realised what he was talking about.

"Bojack Horseman?"

"Yes! That's the name! You remembered!" Ted said happily. The sight of Ted nearly bouncing on his feet out of happiness was endearing to him. The blonde would forget things often, but if Diego could help him remember even his own name, he'd happily do so.

"Why are we even here...?" Ted finally asked before looking back to see that Diego had run off somewhere. Again. How many times was he going to run off and just leave Ted behind? Nonetheless, he pushed the thoughts aside and ran after him, wanting to find him.


It took him a few minutes, but there he was, standing in the dinosaur room. The place was huge, embedded with decorations of meteors, fossils, weird extinct plants, and such, surrounding the two were huge skeletons of dinosaurs. The sight alone made Ted thank whichever meteor killed all the dinosaur, there was no way he'd survive to them.

"Diego! There you are! You have to stop running off. You're too little to get lost!"

"Little?" Diego chuckled as he looked back at the large skeletons. He gazed at them, looking with wonder, and even a soft hint of nostalgia could be seen in those dark oak eyes. He eventually looked back at the blonde before grinning at the skeletons again.

"Y'know... when I was younger, dinosaurs were my favourite. I found an old book about them and kept it with me. Eventually, my parents told me to put it away for good. Because I kept going up to random strangers and told them dinosaur facts..."

Ted couldn't help but chuckle at the imagery that had just popped into his head. A young, innocent Diego, waddling up to random people and spouting random facts about those over-glorified lizards to everyone. It was a cute image.

As Ted was thinking, Diego spotted something in the next room. It was gently glowing in the dimmed light, a radioactive blue colour bouncing off the walls near it as it glowed. Diego looked at it before tugging Ted's sleeve and leading him towards it, tugging the blonde out of his thoughts in the process.

"Diego? What are you doing?"

"Look. It's... a thing."

"A thing?"

"I dunno, it's blue. I like blue." Diego said, looking at Ted's eyes momentarily before looking back at the energy vial. They both just paused, staring at it.

What the fuck was it??

Both boys stared at it, seemed to be full of some weird energy... Ted observed it, hid brows furrowing in thought and a small frown of concentration playing along his lips. Diego noticed this and held back  soft huff of amusement, he seemed to seriously be looking into it as though it'd actually benefit them. Diego got a bit closer as he gazed at it, and for a moment, their shoulders touched.

Ted's breath hitched, so did Diego's. For a moment, brown eyes met blue. And Ted could've sworn he saw his whole world in those eyes for a split second. They spent a minute staring at each other dumbly before Diego stood up, clearing his throat as a wave of embarrassment coursed through him. Ted's eyes widened and he immediately mimicked Diego.

"...sorry, I don't know what captured me."

"You're like a magpie."


"You're entranced by anything shiny." Ted joked with a smirk, nodding his head back to the energy vial they both glanced at. Diego paused before giving him a joking huff and nudging his shoulder with his.

"C'mon, let's go settle down somewhere before you start calling me a bird again."

Both boys laughed as they began walking into different rooms, glancing for suitable places. It didn't seem to be used by anyone prior to them coming, except for some stray food items and such. Diego's heart felt heavy as he thought about this place, people coming with their families, exploring different things, and gawking at all the cool dinosaur bones and planets and such.

What'd he'd do to also experience such a thing.

"Hey, look in here!"

Ted called out, snapping Diego out his train of thought. The Hispanic boy swallowed thickly, trying to get rid of the small lump, which had nearly formed going over to Ted. As soon as he entered, his jaw dropped at the scene.

A big auditorium, it was circular and ginormous, with soft red chairs lining it, leaving room for some pathways spread put amongst the seat, leading to the main doors of the room. A big projector was set up high, projecting a big starry sky onto the ceiling. It slowly rotated, emitting a soft and relaxing feeling onto both boys. Diego sat on one of the chairs, getting out his old guitar before settling down on the soft seat.

"This... is the perfect spot for the night. Maybe even a couple... maybe... I love this."

"I knew you would."

Ted gave him a soft smile. It was nice to see Diego finally have a bit of homage. Both boys looked at each other, their eyes holding security, comfort, and... something else which they couldn't admit in the moment. Ted glanced at Diego's guitar, pausing to think before looking back up at him.

"There's this... one old song. Uhm... do you know it?"

"...well, you haven't told me anything, so.. no."

Diego chuckled at the way Ted's cheeks went red in realisation. The blonde boy huffed out in slight embarrassment before shaking his head and speaking again.

"It... I don't remember well, but it went something like.."

Ted paused. He never considered his voice to sound good, so this would be something new to him. He cleared his throat before singing the lyrics softly.

"I guess I should stop looking out for you. Like I always do.."

Diego seemed to pick up, he heard the tune play on a busted radio back in an abandoned shop. Slowly, he began strumming along, gently nodding his head as he did so.

"When will you start looking out for me too? Instead of leaving me staring at my shoes.."

Ted sung softly as he leant his head on Diego's shoulder, feeling the way his camo shawl rubbed against his cheek. For the rest of the night, Ted kept requesting songs and had Diego play them.

By the end of it all, the only thing which could be heard was soft breathing, the two boys fell asleep, leaning on each other. Diego's guitar was still clutched in his hands, as if he'd jump up the moment Ted requested something else.

But for now, they needed rest.


Prompt by: RavenMoon_20

Sorry this took so long! I got super busy, hope you enjoyed this oneshot!

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