Chapter 3 - Never Saw Me Coming

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Eight thirty.


Nine thirty.



Elijah felt like banging his head against the wall. He was groggy and didn't want to be here. He had suddenly realized an hour in how dull his job was.

He had gotten a text from Rachel at ten, reading I'm going to bed now... there's pie in the fridge if you get home early. Love u ❤️

So short and so sweet, just like always.

Then Annie had yelled at him to put his phone away before she snapped it in two. Nothing was changing, only the silent shifting of inky shadows. Elijah played a game with himself to stay alert, and above all, awake.

Peering into the shadows he saw a rabbit, a cheese burger, and a chess pawn. He then found a heart and... a girl creeping across the floor.

Wait, what?

The doors to the Sunrise Ruby exhibit were open a crack and Elijah peered through.

A lean figure in scarlet and black danced across the floor, sliding between laser beams in complete silence and grace. With one final flip, she landed in front of the case that held the priceless ruby mined in Myanmar.

The thief traces her fingers along the edges of the glass case, taking her time. Seemingly finding what she was looking for, the girl flicked her wrist and the case swung open, leaving the ruby in full exposure.

The girl plucked the ruby from its cushion, turning the stone in her fingers, examining it. She then pocketed it and pulled something else from her pocket, but she turned so her back was towards Elijah, but he heard the faint hissssss of whatever she was doing then.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Annie hissed in his ear.

"There--ban--thi--gi--I--me--saw--" Elijah sputtered.

"Move over," Annie growled, pressing her eye to the crack. "Look what we have here... we actually caught her in the act,"

"Caught who?"

"Red." was all Annie said, before she kicked open the doors. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" she yelled, pointing a finger at the thief.

"I don't think so," Red hissed, backing away as Annie closed in.

"A-are you sure this is a good idea?" Elijah squeaked, looking between the two.

Annie snorted. "What are you, soft?"

"N-no, it's just that I don't know if we should go so fast. She could be dangerous,"

"Well of course she's dangerous!" Annie snapped.

"But we don't know if she has weapons--"

"Nobody knows anything about her!" Annie growled, annoyed at his ignorance.

Red clearly saw her chance and took it, vaulting across the exhibit and over the balcony railing, swinging down on a grappling hook.

Then, she was gone.

"Urgh! You distracted me! This is all your fault!" Annie yelled at my face, storming out to find Mr. Grale. This wasn't going to be a pretty scene.

Red just laughed, walking down a dark alley, flipping the ruby between her fingers.

"Newbies," She murmured, looking at the scarlet stone. "You have so much to learn..."

RED: Really Evil DeedsWhere stories live. Discover now