Chapter 4 - Everyone Knows

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When Elijah got home at four in the morning, Rachel ran out to meet him, still in her pajamas.

"I heard what happened last night," she breathed, feeling his arms and running a palm down his torso. "You're not hurt, are you?" Worry and sympathy and fear pooled in her brown eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. Mr. Grale was far more dangerous then she was," Elijah said, shuddering at the memory of Mr. Grale's plum face when he found out that the ruby had been stolen, the way he bellowed threats at a height voices shouldn't normally go.

"It's all over the news... they did a special story on the news and even went out as an AMBER Alert," Rachel explained, holding up her phone.

Elijah groaned.

"What is it?" Rachel asked softly.

"This is all my fault. I was a doofus. I messed up, then distracted the guard with me, and she got away. If I hadn't been so stupid, if I hadn't asked so many questions or hesitated for so long, none of this would have happened." Elijah felt like punching himself.

"Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!" Rachel snapped, grabbing his shoulders, anger burning in her deep eyes. "None of this is your fault. You hear me? None of it."

And she didn't let go until he nodded.

They walked inside in silence, shoulder to shoulder. Elijah flopped on the couch, physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. Rachel slipped into the kitchen a few minutes later to make him some breakfast, even though it was still five in the morning.

Elijah took the remote from the low coffee table, switching on the television on the wall. The early morning news and weather program blared on.  

"...projected to be a low of 63 and a high of 81 today, folks. And now we'll hand it over to Tim Hoffman for our morning news..."

A picture of a smiling man with overly-gelled hair and a toothy grin filled the screen.

"Ah, yes, thanks Dan. Our latest breaking news is that at 11:43 last night, the Sunrise Ruby was stolen from the Newfellon Museum by notorious thief and vandal, Red. The authorities and police force are looking into the matter, and we will be reporting any farther news on the case soon. Later tonight, there will be a light show at the waterfront..."

Elijah groaned and switched off the television as Rachel came in carrying a plate of eggs and bacon.

"The toast is almost done," She said, placing a hand on his shoulder as she handed the plate to him. Her cell phone beeped in the corner. "Oh, what now?" she huffed, wiping her hands on her jeans.

Rachel stepped out of the room, but Elijah could still catch bits and pieces.

"Hello? Yes, that's me... yes, I know her. She's my best friend. What about last night? I understand the ruby was stolen, sir, but I'm the wrong person to ask... not about the ruby? Then what else happened last night? Wait, what? S-sh's not, y-you can't be serious... no. No, no, no, no, no..."

The sound of glass and metal crashing to the floor reached Elijah's ears, so he finally got up and went to check on Rachel.

She stood frozen, her back turned to the doorway, her phone cracked on the floor.

"Rachel, what is it?" Elijah asked, reaching out his hand to touch her shulder.

Rachel turned, her brown eyes red, tears sloshing down her face in alien waves of silver. Elijah froze. He had never seen Rachel cry before. she was always so sweet and happy and upbeat.

"It's Elizabeth," Rachel whispered the name of her best friend in the whole world, the person who Elijah knew she would do anything and risk everything for.

The gravity of the situation settled in, and they knew the world would never be the same again.

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