Chapter 7 - At Court

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Rachel was as shocked as Elijah was when he told her the news the next morning.

"I've heard that she does that, but--Mr. Grale's office? Even she should have thought better of that, knowing him." Rachel wrinkled her nose.

Elijah was still just happy to hear her voice. Rachel had finally started talking again, and was slowly recovering from the shock of Elizabeth's death.

"By the way, Eli--"Rachel choked on the name. "--her dad called. There's going to be a court meeting at noon. He said her death is too suspicious to be natural."

Elijah saw the sadness and fear and thousands of other emotions clash in her eyes. But he noticed a spark of anger there too, a sign she was finally emerging from her void of grief.

They barely talked about anything, sitting side by side, dreading how the time grew wings and all too soon it was time for them to leave.

Gloom and despair twined their wicked claws around the two, dragging them both down into their fatal trap of quicksand.

The monstrous five-floor government court building loomed above them, swallowing them in size, the couple and their Honda dwarfed in it's shadow. Elijah could feel Rachel shaking next to him in her thin black shirt.

When they entered the meeting room, they were meet by a throng of police, attorneys, and family and friends of Elizabeth. Elijah spotted Mr. Ronen, Elizabeth's father, and--to his surprise--even Judith, the girl who had robbed the jewelry store.

"Alright, settle down, everyone, please settle down," A lawyer with a crisp accent declared to the clamoring room. The din only increased as the throng tried to find a place to sit.

"We are here to discuss--upon request--" the lawyer continued, eyeing Mr Ronen with a weary eye. "the death of miss Elizabeth Ronen."

Sniffles and tears began to come as the lawyer continued, the meeting stretching on and on, with no clear point at that. Elijah's eyelids began to droop after the third hour of the same constant mix of the lawyer's flat drone mixed with sobs and hiccups and Mr. Ronen shouting insults and accusations on people Elijah began to doubt existed.

"You know it! She was murdered! Only eighteen, I tell you! No one dies at eighteen, especially not my daughter!"Mr. Ronen howled for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"Sir, we understand, please--" the lawyer attempted to pause his rant, but there was no stopping him now.

"I bet you, I'll ruddy bet you--" Mr. Ronen growled, his voice suddenly dangerously low. "--that it was that low-down, good-for-nothing cheat Red." He spat the name.

The room spun into stillness, everyone trying to comprehend this new accusation.

Elijah saw Judith roll her eyes and go back to applying another layer of cherry lip gloss.

They, of course, didn't know that Red... was right there in the room with them.


Another short chapter. I am so sorry! My world is going crazy and I probably won't be posting for a while after the rapid-fire writing. I love y'all~ ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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