Ch. 32

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Louis POV-

Harry and I were sitting on the couch watching tv and i kept getting really angry thoughts that I wanted to yell at him, but kept to myself.

I know, I've wanted him back for the longest time. But he is literally just sitting here pretending like nothing has happened and that everything is normal.

"Lou, can you change the channel?"

"Change it your own fucking self."

Harry turns toward me with the most confused expression and I felt really bad for snapping at him.

"What...?" He asks slowly, as if hurt.

"How are you just going to sit here and pretend that everything is normal. You faked a death and betrayed so many of your fans. You made me get into a very, very depressed state.

I skipped shows and interviews because of you. We were slowly breaking apart. How and why the hell are you acting like this is some normal summer day where the birds are chirping and everyone is happy? Because the truth is that no one is happy.

I can bet that at least thirty of our fans have committed suicide because of you. They thought that the only one who made them happy was gone. How, how could you act like everything is okay?"

"Louis... Why are you just now confronting this?" Harry asks with a bored expression.

"Because I thought that maybe you would at least have the audacity to genuinely apologize. I thought you would have the audacity to actually care, but I guess I was wrong. Oh boy, was I wrong.

"Okay, first of all, you are being very hypocritical right now. Do you really want to talk about hurting people?"

Okay, let's talk about hurting people. So Louis, how did you feel when you called me worthless, when you looked me in the eyes and called me pathetic then watched me crumble to the floor in tears.

How did you feel when you pinned me up against walls and hit me and watched me crumble down, this time in pain? How did you feel Louis, huh? Or better yet, how did you think I fucking felt?"

I didn't think of it like that, but he is using a grudge as a comeback and although what I did was terrible, it doesn't make what he did okay either.

Before I could answer I heard the doorbell ring and then a shout saying, "Lou, we need to talk." It was Liam.

Harry ran and hid himself in the hallway closet right as Liam opened the door.

"Louis?" He says and turns to see me on the couch, "I rang the doorbell...?"

"Hm, maybe it's broken."

Liam comes in, then Niall, and then Zayn. They looked very hesitant and tense.

"We need to talk about something very important..."

"Okay?" I asked confused.

They sat down and were quiet for a few minutes before Liam finally spoke up, "we're breaking up."

"What?" I ask, "but you and Niall love each other... Why?"

They both blushed and then Liam says, "no, no, no, me and Niall are still together, that's not what we meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"He means, like, the band." Zayn says in a drone-like voice.

When he said that, something fell in the closet Harry was in and I tensed.

I hoped it would go unnoticed, but then Liam starts to stand up and asks, "what was that?"

I quickly pull him back down and say, "oh, something probably wasn't placed right, nothing to worry about."

He looked unsure but didn't say anything.

"Why are we breaking up...?"

Niall looked down when he heard the two last words. He has always been the bands biggest fan.

"Well, we've been together for a while and we just think we've grown out of it.

Zayn needs to focus on his relationship and wants to see his family more. You, Louis, can barely take care of yourself right now, let alone millions of fans

The band would just be wrong and weird if me and Niall were the last two left. Considering both the fact that we are dating, and the band was originally 5.

We all need to start focusing on our real futures, and it has just came down to that time."

"Oh... Well I mean, I guess we have been lagging a lot in our career anyways. But how are we supposed to break it to the fans?"

I'm not sure if I'm sad or not. Yeah it sucks ass that we've been together for this long and now we're breaking up, but I don't want to just do a half ass job and just dwindle down to nothing. (Okay, this was kind of what our2ndlife said when they ended o2l, but yeeee)

After talking about it for a while, they ask me to go out for dinner with them, but I decline knowing I can't just leave Harry in the house alone.

They leave and I quickly go to the closet and was about to continue Harry and I's argument from earlier when I heard soft breaths coming from inside the door.

I slowly open the door and he is there sitting down on top of a box sound asleep. The dumbass didn't drop anything, he just fell asleep standing up. Dork.

I lift him up bridal style and he twists himself to where he is cuddling into my chest. I can't help but smile when he begins to snore and I can feel his breath hitting my chest, which kind of gave me the chills.

I set him on my bed and take off his jeans and shirt. Then I put on one of his shirts that he gave me about two years ago. It was strangely large for what his size was then, but that made it better because it was still a little loose on him now.

Then, after crawling into the bed next to him, I cuddled up to his side and fell asleep as well.

Please read!! A/n

Okay so I haven't updated in forever (literally), which I'm sorry about btw, but I wrote a long chapter (over 1k words) to hopefully at least make up for a little of it.

I don't know if anyone even still reads this story or likes it so like if you actually want me to update more often, comment or vote or something I don't know, but yeah,
I'm sorry.


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