Razorback: Elite Version

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Nicknames: Screamer. 

Android type: B.L.I.N.D. (Elite)

Gender: Male. 

Personality: Shy and quiet, depressed, anxious, gets overwhelmed easily, overthinks the majority of the time, but once in combat his combat coding takes over and makes him well... Merciless.

Likes: Quiet places, making small talk, being alone, listening to calm music, Cobra, Jess, Angel, Rose.

Dislikes: Large groups of people, being forced into public situations, arguments, being bothered. 

Height: 8'5

Appearance: optics are replaced by a steel blindfold but has a holographic right eye that's used for better showing emotions, hair is a blackish white color while also being kept short, really only wears his armor all the time, and a skull bandana that covers his neck. 6 large spikes that run down the back in two columns of 3, the smaller ones being on the lower back and the larger ones on the upper back, and two razor wire tails with large spikes at the tips, face looks more human-like with mechanical features that outline his cheeks and bellow his blindfold.

Armor: nanite plates that are nearly impenetrable and cover the whole body. 

Abilities/tech: Echolocators located in the back of the ears, sonars located on the tips of the spikes on his back, extremely sensitive hearing, amazingly fast despite his size and weight, can lift multiple semi trucks or tanks with one hand and toss them around with ease, and has shriekers located in the throat area that allow him to emit an ear splitting shriek that can shatter glass and cause a small shockwave.

Weapons: retractable dual layered energized and serrated claws, retractable weighted chains on the forearms with 10 ton spiked weights at the ends, spiked maces that can replace his hands at will, two razor wire tails with large spikes at the end.

Weaknesses: silence (can't see without sound), high frequency sounds which briefly stun him but also enrage him.

Additional info: he has been known to have a break down when overwhelmed. The echolocators register sound and turn it into a white gridded outline of objects and the environment in his vision, getting brighter at the source of the sound, hostiles are red, white is anything neutral, and blue are allies, doesn't really speak unless spoken to, not much is known about his past, may seem very intimidating but is really just a big baby. 

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