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The war between them was far from over, but Jhanvi knew that with each passing day, her defenses were weakening. And that terrified her even more than being in Veeranshu’s mansion.

Jhanvi’s mood swings during her periods were an entirely different battle. In the days leading up to her cycle, Veeranshu would notice subtle changes in her demeanor—small signs that the storm was coming. She became extra sensitive, easily irritated, and more prone to snapping at even the smallest things. Veeranshu, however, was quick to pick up on the cues.

One particular afternoon, Jhanvi was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, watching something on TV. She had a scowl on her face, her arms crossed over her chest, and her body language screamed annoyance. Veeranshu had just come back from a meeting and noticed the tension in the air.

“What happened now?” he asked, his voice casual but slightly amused as he walked over to her.

Jhanvi glared at him. “What do you mean, ‘what happened’? Does something always have to happen for me to be in a mood?”

Veeranshu raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. Just asking.”

He tried to sit next to her on the couch, but Jhanvi immediately pulled the blanket tighter around herself, scooting to the other side. “Don’t sit too close to me. You’re irritating.”

Veeranshu bit back a smile, knowing better than to argue with her during these times. He could sense the mood swings had already started. Instead, he decided to humor her.

“I’ll stay on this side of the couch, okay? No irritation.” He leaned back, keeping a good distance from her, and observed her silently as she watched the screen.

Moments later, Jhanvi shifted uncomfortably. “Ugh! Why do these cramps feel like knives stabbing my stomach?” She groaned, throwing her head back dramatically.

Veeranshu, still maintaining his calm, got up without a word and returned with a hot water bag. He handed it to her wordlessly, knowing it would help. Jhanvi looked at the bag, and instead of thanking him, she narrowed her eyes.

“So now you’re acting all nice because I’m in pain, huh? What, you think that’ll make everything better?” she snapped, clearly in the throes of her mood swings.

Veeranshu chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Nope, just trying to make sure you don’t bite my head off for not helping.”

Jhanvi huffed, but took the hot water bag anyway, hugging it close to her stomach. “Fine,” she muttered. “But don’t think this means I’m in a better mood.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he teased, sitting back down.

She turned back to the TV but couldn’t stay focused. “And why do you have to look so calm all the time? Like, nothing ever bothers you. It’s annoying, you know?”

Veeranshu raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I bother you?”

“Everything bothers me right now!” she snapped, throwing her arms up in frustration. “The cramps, the heat, the fact that I can’t eat chocolate because it’ll make me feel worse later. Everything!”

Veeranshu leaned in just a little. “How about I go get you some ice cream? That’ll help with the mood, right?”

Jhanvi’s face softened for a split second before she narrowed her eyes at him again. “Don’t think you can win me over with ice cream.”

DIVINE DESTINY ~ A Serendipitous EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now