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Jhanvi loved teasing veeranshu, and to her surprise, he didn’t mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy their back-and-forth. It was a side of him she hadn’t seen before—a man who could laugh at himself, who didn’t take everything so seriously.

One morning, as Veeranshu was getting ready for a business meeting, Jhanvi leaned against the doorway of their bedroom, watching him adjust his tie in the mirror.

"I think you’d be even more intimidating in blue. ” she said casually.

Veeranshu turned, raising an eyebrow. “Blue?”

“Yeah, it’s a power color. You should try it sometime.”

He smirked. “I think I’ll stick to my usual wardrobe.”

“Your loss,” she teased. “You’d look dashing.”

Veeranshu walked over to her, his gaze playful. “Are you trying to turn me into a fashion experiment?”

“Maybe,” Jhanvi replied with a grin. “You could use a little variety.”

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “I think I’ll leave the experimenting to you.”

Jhanvi’s breath caught in her throat at the sudden closeness. They had grown comfortable with each other, but there was still a spark between them, one that she couldn’t ignore.

She smiled, stepping back to break the tension. “Alright, Mr. Singh. Go dazzle your boardroom with your not-blue suit.”

Veeranshu chuckled, shaking his head as he grabbed his briefcase. “I’ll see you later.”

As he left for work, Jhanvi couldn’t help but smile to herself. Their relationship had shifted so much in just a few short months. What had started as an accidental marriage filled with tension had blossomed into something light and easy, filled with moments of laughter, banter, and a growing affection that neither of them had expected.

That evening, after a particularly busy day for both of them, Jhanvi returned to the mansion to find the lights dimmed and the smell of food wafting through the air.

Curious, she walked into the dining room, only to find Veeranshu standing at the head of the table, setting down a candlelit dinner. He turned to her with a soft smile. “Surprise.”

Jhanvi blinked, taken aback. “You… cooked?”

He chuckled. “Well, I may have had some help from the staff. But I did put it all together.”

She walked over, looking at the beautifully set table. “What’s the occasion?”

“No occasion,” Veeranshu replied, pulling out a chair for her. “I just wanted to do something special for you. You’ve done so much to make this place feel like home. I thought I’d return the favor.”

Jhanvi smiled, touched by the gesture. She sat down, and Veeranshu joined her at the table. As they ate, they talked about everything—life, work, their future—and for the first time, Jhanvi felt like they were truly a couple, not just two people bound by circumstance.

As the evening wore on, Jhanvi realized something that had been slowly building inside her. She didn’t just care for Veeranshu. She loved him. And though she wasn’t ready to say it out loud just yet, she knew that in time, she would.

DIVINE DESTINY ~ A Serendipitous EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now