the interview

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3, 2, 1, we are LIVE on VOGUE TV.
The interview has officially started
and fans are rushing to the TV to listen to their beloved singer.

Anna starts the interview with:

"Good morning, Spencer. It's a pleasure to have you here.
For those who may not know you already, could you introduce yourself
and tell us about your musical journey?"

                                                    "Thanks, Anna! And yes, of course.
                                    My name is Spencer Swift, and I was born in 1965.
             I debuted with my first album, "Echo," in 1982, exactly four years ago today.
                                                          In the years following that,
                                               I've released several successful singles
                                                 such as "MANIA!" and "euphoria,"
                  and my second album, "ArtPop," was released two years ago."

Anna nods as she listens to his answer, her expression neutral, yet intrigued.

                                                "Quite an impressive career so far,"

she says, before moving on to her next question,

                              "You've had such massive success in the music world,
                                                 but how do you handle the constant
                                       attention and scrutiny that comes with fame?"

"Dealing with fame is something I've thought
about since the beginning of my career.
I don't blame the paparazzi or fans for following me,
even if they sometimes make things difficult for my assistant and me.
When I have the time, I try to sign their albums, take photos with them,
and treat them as well as I can,
recognizing that many of them are working like me."

Anna lets out a slight nod, a slight hint of approval on her poker face.

                         "Very well said. That's a perspective not many celebrities share,"

she comments.

                                                    "But let's talk about your work.
                 Your songs have a way of connecting with listeners, often very intimately.
            What inspired the lyrics for your most recent singles, 'MANIA!' and 'euphoria'?"

"MANIA! was written to express my gratitude to my fans.
Despite the ironic title, I did not mean to suggest fans have
mental disorders or strange addictions.
Instead, the song celebrates their passion and enthusiasm for my music.
'euphoria' is all about my childhood,
thinking back on those years and how they made me the person I am today."

Anna moves on to her next question,

                                     "Now, let's not forget that you wear fashion as
                                                 well as you wear your musical talent.
                          You've often been spotted in some of the most unique and
                                                daring outfits on the red carpet.
               How do you approach fashion, and how does it influence your public image?"

"Thank you so much! That means a lot coming from you.
Choosing my outfits is one of the fun parts of my job,
and I take my time to ensure each look is unique and stands out.
It's an essential aspect of creating my public image and connecting with my audience."

Anna Wintour leans back, her attention fully focused on him.
                                                       "Spencer, looking to the future,
          can you give us a glimpse of what we can expect from your upcoming projects?
                                      Any exciting news or collaborations in the works?"

"I'm thrilled to hear that question, as I've been waiting for it!
Yes, I've been working on a significant project,
and I assure you, there's plenty of exciting surprises in store."

Anna seems intrigued by his cryptic answer.

                                                            "A significant project?"

she asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice.
                                           "Can you give us a hint about this project?"

"A hint, eh?
Well, let's just say that poetry plays a substantial role in this project.
It's all part of the artistic vision and what I have in store for my fans."

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