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Two months have passed since the interview, and excitement builds as Spencer's new album has been announced to be released. Anticipation mounts, and fans speculate about what the new music will bring.

Casey approaches Spencer in the kitchen, holding a freshly delivered pizza.

                                                 "Here's your lunch, Spencer."

Casey's voice is eager with excitement as she continues:

                                   "Today is release day, are you feeling excited?"

"I am extremely excited, Cass!
I truly hope that people will enjoy 'The Symphony of Sorrow.'"

                                                "People will absolutely love it, Spence!
                     With a whopping 31 songs, they'll be entertained for an entire year!
                               And you know what? They're always ready for new things.
        Trust me, after listening to these tracks, they'll discover some truly unique pieces."

"Spencer replies with gratitude, but his eyes quickly leave
his own thoughts and turn to the package that Casey is holding in her hands.
He then asks,
     'What is that?'

"This package arrived and it seems pretty intriguated.
Your name is written on it, and it comes from a person with the initials A. W.
Passed trough the metal detectors, it's totally safe"

A gasp escapes Spencer's mouth as he lays eyes on the contents of the box.

'What? What's in the box, Spencer? What is it?'

"Spencer's eyes widen in disbelief as he exclaims,

                                                         "It's Anna Wintour... The Met!
                                                   I've been invited to the Met, Casey!"

"Absolutely fantastic, Swift!
Your first invite to the Met is a huge deal.
We have to find the perfect outfit for you.
  This is a big moment, and we'll make sure you look incredible on the red carpet!"

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