the amber-eyed monster goes to war

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A man is lounging on the couch, watching the interview with a scowl on his face.
He glares at the screen as he hears Spencer mention poetry.

                                                                       "Poetry, eh?

The tv remote is smashed on the floor.

                                           "I've been writing poetry since I was 15,
                                         but where are my damn Grammys at, huh?"

he mutters bitterly as he gets up.

A notebook suddenly flew through the TV screen, shattering it into pieces.
*He angrily shouts.*

"Take this poetry and publish it!
Maybe you'll make some damn money for me!"

The man going through an anger attack is Elias Braun,
a failed artist with a long-standing hatred towards Spencer Swift,
who has undoubtedly left a bigger mark in the artistic world than himself."

Everybody knows Elias Braun, but not for his music.
Instead, his actions and outbursts are only worsening his situation,
making the public grow to dislike and resent him more.

                                                       "Your time is almost up, Swift!
                                          You might not know me yet, but soon enough,
                                  the world will. And they'll learn to despise you like I do."

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