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                                             "Knock-knock, knock- knock, knock-knock"

Someone can't stop banging on the door.

                                         "Spencer, Spencer! Open the damn door Spencer!"

"Hey, hey, what's with all the commotion, Cas? What time is it?

"Finally, Spencer opens the door,
still in his pajamas, and lets Casey in,
who appears worried and panicked."

                                                             "Why are you so sweaty?
                                                         Did you run all the way here?"

                                                       "Spence, there's a serious issue.
                                          It's a major problem. I don't even know
                                            if you'll be able to continue with the tour..."

                                                              "What's the issue, Casey?
                                                      I swear I exercised yesterday.
                                                         I can still- Wait, what is this?"

                                                              "Casey shows Spencer a
                                                   newspaper with a headline reading:
                                                                'Pop star scandal.'
                                                         Someone has spread false and
                                                 serious accusations about you, Spence."

                                     "What... have you contacted my lawyer already?"

"Yes, I've already contacted your lawyer.
They're working on it.
It's made the front page of The Times.
Everyone will see it.
We've sent a representative to the headquarter
s to find out who leaked this information."

"Listen to me.
We're currently in the UK,
and it's impossible that I could
have been at those locations,
engaging in such activities.
We have proof.
Moreover, the final leg of the
tour starts tomorrow,
and I will NOT miss any performance."

"I understand your perspective, Spence.
But how will you communicate with
people and persuade them to attend your concerts,
considering the circumstances?"

"I'll address the situation tomorrow,
before the final song.
People have hearts, and my fans will believe me.
You believe in me, and together
we can overcome this challenge."

"You know I'm always by your side, Spence,
but choose your words wisely.
The audience can be your friend and ally,
but they could also become your enemy if you don't tread carefully."

Spencers mastery of words was evident in his lyrics.
The day after the scandal broke, a significant portion of the stadium was empty as he had expected.
However, he trusted those who remained, and his apology reached beyond the stadium, featured in both newspapers and on television.
While his haters grew in number, they still remained outnumbered by his supporters, who chose to trust him despite the accusations."

Slowly, the big tour has come to an end.
With both the ongoing trial in court and the backlash from the hate, Spence has decided to take a break from the spotlight, to reflect and to write, falling into a period of silence that would last for another 3 to 4 months.

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