time's out

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"Time slowly seemed to ease the sadness that surrounded Spence, and even Casey took notice.
Indeed, Spence received nominations for the VMAs in two categories: Video of the year and Best summer song, which further lifted his spirits."

"Morning, Spence!
Today is the day to win some awards!
I've prepared the Valentino suit you like,
so you can wear it tonight!"

"That's wonderful, Casey!
You're always so helpful,
and I appreciate it. Thanks!"

Spence also started treating Casey differently, making it a point to see her often and frequently expressing his gratitude and flashing a smile whenever he was around her.

"This suit fits perfectly,
don't you think so, Cas?
Is the driver outside already?"

"It fits perfectly!
Yes, the driver's waiting for us, let's go!"

"Hey, Cas, can you ask the driver
to stop a bit before the entrance?
I want to have a word with the paparazzi.
Gotta get used to having those camera
flashes pointed at me again, huh?"

"You're right! It's been a while.
A few questions won't hurt."

"Hey hey, guys, no need to push.
I'll come answer any questions you have.
Take it easy."

Paparazzo #1: Spence, over here! Congrats on winning two VMAs!

Spence: Slow down with winning! I only got nominated!

Paparazzo #2: And what about the rumors and accusations from a few months ago? Any truth to those?

Spence: Look, that was all a mistake. I'm just focused on myself and my music now.

Paparazzo #3: Spence, you have a lot of fans here. Can you spare a moment to greet them and sign some autographs?

Spencer: Of course guys! Let me trough the crowd and i'll do it!

Here's the revised paragraph, with some punctuation corrections and improved phrasing:
"The ceremony begins and moves quickly through various awards, until the most anticipated moment arrives.
Unfortunately, Spence didn't win Song of the Summer, but the Best Music Video award is still up for grabs."

The host comes on stage:
And the VMA for Video Of The Year goes to...


The lights are bright on the stage as Spencer steps up to accept the award for Video of the Year.
The crowd erupts in applause, a mix of excited cheers and flashes from cameras.

                                                          "Wow, thank you so much,"

Spence says into the microphone, a warm smile on his face.

                                              "This means so much to me, and I can't
                                        thank you all enough for your continued support."

He takes a moment to look out at the sea of faces in the audience. Fans hold up signs and chant his name, reminding him of the fame that never quite faded away.

But suddenly, a loud noise shatters the silence of the theater,
interrupting Spencer's speech.
Wait... Where is Spencer?
Confused fans and reporters realize that
he's collapsed to the floor, unable to continue speaking.

His beautiful green Valentino suit, is now stained a deep, dark red.
However, it's not the fabric that's affected; it's Spencer himself.
The vibrant hue of his suit is now a gruesome shade of blood, all over his body
that still lies motionless on the floor.

The theater morphs into a chaotic scene, as people frantically attempt to flee the area.
Spence Swift, the beloved singer and VMA winner,
has been brutally killed right in front of a huge audience.
The cause of death? A gunshot.

He stands there, still watching attentively,
as if he's still listening to the interrupted speech.
He has black hair, hazel eyes, and wears a black suit.
But most notably, he's holding a gun.
This man is none other than Elias Braun,
the very same one who had caused such mayhem at the Grammys.

Casey was regrettably taken away,
as venturing onto the scene posed a significant risk.
Her tears flowed endlessly as she came to
terms with the grim reality unfolding before her.
Spence Swift was dead.

The 17-year-old boy who had been nervous
about releasing his album, the one who had
signed every fan's letter to ensure nobody
would feel left out, and the one who had devoted
his entire life to music and writing—this boy was now gone.
His lifeless body lay on the theater floor, cold and motionless.

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