Chapter 13: The Blonde Angels!

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Kane lay in the hospital bed, his body still aching from the stitches the doctors had hurriedly placed. The sterile smell of disinfectant filled the small room, but Kane's mind was far from the hospital. This was all part of his plan.

He had orchestrated every move-getting into the fight, making sure the injuries looked serious enough to get him out of camp, slashing his own arms and face to create just the right illusion. It had worked. The police believed Ty had been the one to attack him, and now he was in the hospital under watch, with no one suspecting that Kane was playing them all.

Outside his room, the officer stood casually, checking his phone. Kane had been observing him for a while now. The officer was lax, not expecting anything. Perfect.

"Looks like Ty did a number on you," the officer said, breaking the silence. His tone was casual, but Kane could tell he was probing for information. "You sure you don't want to talk about it?"

Kane stayed quiet. He wasn't going to give anything away.

"You need anything?" the officer asked, more out of routine than concern.

"Water," Kane mumbled, keeping his voice low and tired.

The officer sighed, pushing off the wall. "Alright, I'll get it for you."

As the officer left the room, Kane's heart began to race-not with fear, but with anticipation. This was his moment. He sat up, wincing at the pain, and scanned the room. The walls were a drab pale blue, and the window was small, but the hallway outside was empty. He knew exactly what he had to do.

Kane pushed himself out of bed, his body protesting as he stood. He quickly grabbed a nurse's coat hanging by the door. He slid it on, pulling the hood over his head, making sure his face was hidden. Moving with purpose, he slipped into the hallway, ducking into the shadows. His mind was sharp, focused. This wasn't an impulsive escape; it was a calculated part of his plan.

He had already scouted the hospital layout in his head during the ride in. He knew where the exits were, knew how lax the security would be at night in a small-town hospital like this. He moved quickly but quietly, slipping past nurses and patients without drawing attention to himself.

The exit door loomed ahead. Kane's pulse quickened, but he stayed calm. He had timed it perfectly. The officer who had been watching him was still getting the water, unaware that Kane had slipped out.

Kane pushed through the door, the cool night air hitting his face. Freedom. He was outside, the dark expanse of the Peak District stretching out before him. The hospital was small, isolated, and surrounded by open fields. Perfect for an escape.

Back at camp, Ty was being hauled into the interrogation room. The police had dragged him in, still fuming after the events of the night. They didn't waste any time.

"We know what happened, Ty," the officer said, glaring at him. "It looks like you tried to kill Kane. His injuries are serious. You're going to prison for this."

Ty shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I didn't hurt Kane," he snapped. "We fought, yeah, but I didn't do that to him. He slashed himself."

The officers exchanged skeptical looks. "That's a pretty bold claim. You expect us to believe that?"

Ty's frustration boiled over. "Ask the others!" he shouted. "There were half a dozen witnesses!"

But the officers weren't convinced. They left the room, murmuring among themselves. They didn't believe Ty, but something was off, and they knew it.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, Mr. Saunders, the camp leader, visited Kane's group. He could barely hide the exhaustion in his face. He had seen enough. This camp was done for, and now he had to deal with the aftermath.

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