Chapter IV

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Two days have passed since our encounter with the adventurers, and there have been no further intrusions. DP-7 continues to monitor the road, observing similar groups of people traveling as before. I finally received a response from my probes, providing me a comprehensive map of this world. From my gauntlet, a three-dimensional hologram of Aranthia shimmers into view. The live video feed from the probes I launched into the upper atmosphere beams the planet back to me in real-time. It spins slowly, revealing the vastness of this strange world. I marvel at how large it truly is, how the landmasses—three sprawling continents—are held together by the endless oceans that wrap around them like a great, living sea. Every detail, from the tallest mountain to the smallest island, is illuminated by the hologram's glow.

I'm awestruck by the sheer complexity of this planet, by the diversity of life and the many different kingdoms that have somehow found their place within this vast landscape. It's all so foreign to me, yet so strangely captivating.

My attention is drawn first to the large continent to the west, where towering mountains stretch across the northern reaches like jagged spines, their peaks lost in a swirl of cloud and snow. Within these mountains, I see vast networks of tunnels carved into the rock, their entrances flanked by massive stone statues. The people there have built their homes deep within the earth, their cities hidden beneath layers of stone, visible only by the grand archways that lead into their subterranean world. Forges glow like embers in the dark, lighting the halls with a faint orange glow. These people themselves, stocky and bearded, go about their work, hammering away at anvils or tending to the glowing fires within the forges. These must be the dwarfs. Their banners, deep blue and gold, hang from the walls of their fortresses, displaying symbols of hammers and axes, signifying their craftsmanship and their pride.

To the south, the plains of this western continent stretch out endlessly, a patchwork of fields and villages connected by winding dirt paths and stone roads. Villages dot the landscape, their homes simple and practical, built from stone and timber with thatched roofs that rise like small hills. The roads are well-traveled, bustling with activity as merchants guide their wagons filled with goods toward the larger cities. Farmers work their fields, harvesting crops beneath the warm sun, while hunters stalk through the forests, their eyes sharp as they track down prey. Soldiers march along the roads, their armor gleaming in the sunlight, their banners flying high—deep red with gold emblems, their insignias unfamiliar but clearly marking their allegiance to different kingdoms.

The largest and most impressive kingdom of man resides on the eastern shore of the Western Continent, its walls towering above the surrounding landscape like a fortress meant to withstand any siege. The stone buildings rise tall and proud within the city walls, their structures a fusion of medieval and classical architecture. Tall spires and domed roofs dominate the skyline, their surfaces gleaming in the sunlight. The streets are narrow and winding, lined with houses made from stone and timber, their walls adorned with statues of warriors and mythological figures. The harbor is massive, filled with ships of all sizes, their wooden hulls creaking as they bob in the waves. The ships are intricate, their figureheads carved from wood in the likeness of gods, heroes, and beasts. Some are large and imposing, built for long journeys across the ocean, while others are smaller and swifter, designed for quick voyages along the coast. Aqueducts snake across the landscape, bringing fresh water into the city from the mountains, their towering arches casting shadows across the fields of crops that stretch out beyond the city walls.

Among these plains, I spot an unusual structure—walled and ancient, rising from the earth like a relic of a long-forgotten era. It resembles an old temple, its surface weathered and cracked from centuries of exposure to the elements. Surrounding this temple is a bustling city, filled with activity. Merchants, soldiers, and common folk swarm around it, as though it were some kind of religious site or place of deep significance. It's strange, seeing such a grand and ancient structure surrounded by the bustle of a modern city. I wonder briefly what purpose it serves. Perhaps it's a temple, though the activity around it suggests something more. Whatever it is, the people here revere it.

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