Chapter X

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Talia walks alongside Ryu, Apollo, and Nikko as they make their way toward the city gates. The streets of Curville are bustling with activity: merchants hawking their goods, children playing, and adventurers preparing for their journeys. The smell of fresh bread mingles with the scent of horses as they pass by various shops and stalls. As they near the gate, Talia notices several horse-drawn carriages lined up, their drivers calling out to potential customers.

"We can rent one of those carriages," Talia suggests. "Arroyo is a two-week walk from here anyway."

Ryu shakes his head. "That won't be necessary," he replies, continuing past the carriages without another word.

Talia is confused but doesn't press the issue. She had assumed that with the money Ryu earned, renting a carriage wouldn't be a problem. Unless he actually prefers walking. She decides to stay silent for now, simply glad to be accompanying them.

As they clear the city and walk along a cobblestone path, the sounds of the bustling town fade away, replaced by the tranquil noises of nature. Apollo remains silent while Nikko hums a cheerful tune. Talia, her mind racing, struggles to think of something to say to Ryu. She glances at him, noting how he converses with Nikko, and decides to hold back. For now, she's content just being part of the group.

Hours pass, and they find themselves on a dirt road winding through a dense forest. Suddenly, Ryu stops, prompting the others to halt as well. Talia looks at him curiously. "What's wrong?" she asks.

Ryu fiddles with his left glove, and an ethereal map of their current location materializes in the air. Talia can make out the details of the forest and see the dots representing them on the map. Ryu then turns off the path and begins walking into the forest, with Apollo and Nikko following closely behind. Talia hesitates but then follows suit, her confusion mounting.

After a short walk, Ryu stops again and turns to face Talia. Her heart begins to race, sensing something significant about to happen. "You can still turn back if you want," Ryu says, his tone sincere and laced with a hint of fear.

Talia is puzzled. "What do you mean?" she asks.

Ryu continues, "What you are about to witness is not of this world and can accomplish things that would be considered impossible for you. All I ask is that you don't tell anyone about what you see."

Talia nods, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity. "I don't want to turn back. I swear I won't tell anyone."

Ryu studies her for a moment before nodding. He then speaks into his glove, asking for a DP-7 to come out and bring the bike. Talia watches, bewildered, as his glove begins to beep. Moments later, she hears a strange sound, like a soft whirring and humming.

From the depths of the forest, a strange contraption appears. It hovers above the ground, sleek and metallic, with a long, narrow body and handlebars at the front. Attached to it is a sidecar and a wagon, both also floating effortlessly. Talia's eyes widen in shock at the sight of this alien machinery.

"What is that?" she whispers to herself, her mind reeling.

Nikko is equally amazed, her cat ears twitching with excitement. "Papa, what is it?" she asks, her tail flicking back and forth.

Before Ryu can respond, a small floating device emerges from the bike. It has a round, metallic body with various blinking lights and appendages that move with precision. It hovers close to Ryu and Apollo, emitting a series of beeps and chirps. The device then turns to Nikko, beeping happily.

Apollo translates, "DP-7 says it is happy to meet you."

Nikko giggles, "Hi DP-7! I'm happy to meet you too. My name is Nikko."

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