running from....MONSTERS!!!

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Hello my name is Rosalina and I just found out that I'm the daughter of Heacate the goddess of magic and the mist. Oh ya and im running for my life from some greek monsters while trying to get to ..... what was it called..... Camp half blood? Idk. Now literally I'm trying not to freak out I don't know if this is a dream or not so now I'm just running for my life from some Greek monsters called Furies so yeah.

I don't think this is a dream.

Now I see something in the distance some girl I think is in a black dress No gray no black Oh whatever. She looks like a goddess HEACATE duh shes my mom. So she just stands there waiting and i run to her saying "help me please mother"

"Oh fine Rosalina" she replies with disappointed with a flick of her wrist the furies are gone.

"You do not know how to use any of you powers yet!?!?" She spats

"No not really except for my ring that changes into any weapon I choose."i reply swiftly

"That i don't really use" i add quickly

"Well than i must help you get to camp half blood Now." She rejects meanly

"Ok ma'am" i replied (i was a little scared tho)

"Now follow me quickly Rosalina!"and she runs through the forest without a problem and i follow her as closely as possible.

--------------MIN. LATER---------------------------------------------------------------

We arive at a large camp with hundreds No Thousands of people there. Then suddenly I collapse with pain and I hear a bunch of voices around me saying " get her to the infirmary!!! Now!" When i see my wounds i screem quietly thinking what happened when i was with heacate or before!?!?!?

I awake when i hear "shes awake percy!" Than i see lots of people around me wispering around me carful to not let me hear what their talking about untill i croak,"What happened?" Than a girl with blonde curly hair said,"you got bitten by a blood hound outof no where."

"And my name is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena"added Annabeth

A black haired green eyed boy continued saying, "my name percy jackson son of Poseidon"

Then i see a boy in the shadows that looks my age 15.then he speaks "Hello my name is Nico,Nico di Angelo and I'm a son of Hades." He stutters quietly.

Hecates girl (A Nico di Angelo love story){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now