Capture the Flag Day

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I wake up in my cabin feeling great! But i realize that i didnt have a dream really i just... didnt have any. Then I take a shower and get dressed in a camp half blood t-shirt and shorts, and i put my hair up in a pony tail. I walk out of my cabin and get bombarded by Leo and Piper staring at me with a questioning look untill piper asks me,"Are you and Nico dating?"

I looked shocked saying,"No!"

"Don't lie Rosalina." Leo says.

"I saw the look you gave Nico." Piper says supporting leo

"Why are you here anyway?" Trying to change the subject.

"To ask you this." Leo says grining like a mad man.

"Well i wont answer you two." I stated

"But-" they wine

"No buts now go before i get mad!" I say staring and them while they scurry away like mice. Finally the breakfast bell rang and i sprinted to the pavilion. I sit down at the Hecate table and sacrifice some food to the gods. I just sit there and eat without talking about anything to anyone at all. All i do is think, and think,and think untill we are dismissed. Then i run to the archery range and pull out my ring and change it to a bow and arrow, and i forgot to say whats its called! But its name is wierd for a dauhter of Hecate. My weapon is called Typhoon. So ya then i draw my bow and shoot and get a bulls eye. This is not my weapon of choice but i can live with it. So i shoot for a while more thinking about radom stuff.

"Hey." I hear behind me and i turn around and see Nico.

"Hey." I say back,

And before he could say anything else i say,"Thank you for bringing me back to my cabin.... OH AND I FORGOT AFTER CAPTURE THE FLAG WE ARE GOING TO GO ON OUR QUEST!"I exclaim

"Well someones forgetful." He laughs and many people looked shocked and i just laugh with him.

"I got to go and train some more cya!" I yell and run of with Typhoon.

"Bye." He wispers sadly.

I feel so excited to be in my first capture the flag game. I just feel happy to show off my skills and im scared if someone will bully me like many boys did when i was at my old school. So i just feel like i shouldn't be here sometimes. I just want to feel wanted and the only person showing that to me is Nico and Percy. Then i manipulate the mist into hiding me in the shadows. I climb up a tree in the forest and sit there for a while and let my thoughts wonder around while trying to decrypt the prophecy in my head. Then i hear the lunch bell ring and i just don't even go anywhere and i just sit there. Sad thoughts rumble though my head about my past. I just sit there untill i feel salty tears come down my face and i let them and i just sit there and sob in my hands and i here quite foot steps under the tree. I look down and see jason.

He flys up and says,"why are you here the lunch bell rang and you should be eating."

He see's my tears and says "Are you okay?!?!?"

"Fine." I mumble

"No your not Rosalina. I can tell." He says

"Ugh, why must i feel the pain of the past." I cry in my shoulders.

Jason comes and sits next to me on the branch saying trying to comfort me,"It's okay you can let it out." I thought ; hes actually not just a leader, huh thats new. Most leaders only care about wining not the people.

I just look up then back down and start the let my salty tears downpour. I feel Jason hug me friendly style. I just say,"why are you here anyway. Also you dont have to be here so why are you?"

He just says, "You needed a friend with you for one, and im here for you because you clearly need me here." He states.

I just give him a thankful smlie and say, " I think im done crying for a lond time."

He nods saying, " okay lets go." I wipe the rest of my tears away smiling. We walk for a while talking. Untill i say i have to go make sure im ready for my quest and capture the flag.

Hecates girl (A Nico di Angelo love story){DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now