The Battle Starts.

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After jason and i walk to tha pavilion we say are good byes and walked to are own tables. I just give up some Brisket for the Gods and pray for a good game of Capture the flag. Once i sit down away from all the people on the edge of he table. I see people having a great time. I just sit and eat thinking about what team im gonna be on. Then i hear Chiron's hoof pound on the ground saying,"Campers we will be playing Capture the flag as you all know." I hear lots and lots of cheers then Chiron continues,"here are the teams red team cabins are: Nike,Aphrodite,Apollo,Zues,Ares,Dionysus, and Hepheaestus.

Blue team cabins: Poseidon,Hades,Athena,Hecate,Demeter,Hermes,and Nemesis."

We all walk to the forest and divide into are teams. I just take off Typhoon and turn it into a dagger. Once Chiron talked about the rules me and Nico take out flag and start running to hide it. I see a really high cliff so i grab the flag out of Nicos hand and start climbing. It was no problem for me so i made it up their in too minutes. I shouted "Nico get some archers up here and i will keep watch of enemies!"

"Okay!" He shouts running to find some people

When he returns he comes with a lot of people. I shout,"Archers get up here and sword fighters stay at the base of this cliff!!!" They nod there heads shocked that i would speak up to them.

I change Typhoon into a bow and i Stare above looking down into the forest then i see small people and i just point and shout,"FIRE!!!!" all the archers start to fire. I laugh at Leo setting himself on fire and Percy extinguishing his flames. Then i see Nico flash up here and look at me.

He says deadly calm ,"Lets do this."

I crack my knuckles smirking. I say, "ATTACK!!!!!" Then i face Nico and say,"Tell Annabeth that they fell for our trap." He smiles evily and i join in the grining and he shadow traveled to Annabeth. I sigh and started shooting arrows again. Eventually Annabeth came back with the other teams flag just before she crossed the other team falled backed and started to attack Annabeth. Than a big kinda fat girl walks up to me and starts to attack me. I dodged and truned Typhoon into a dagger. When i looked up at her, she was taller,buffer,and bigger than me. I feel color drain from my face a little. Than i strike harder than she did the first time she tries to attack me I dodge I roll out of the way before she tried to trip me two times. Then i just trip her and pinned her to the ground. Smiling smugly. She trys to push me off but i use magic to make her think she did but really she just stood in one spot. Than i ran to help Annabeth. I started to clash and pound people down and eventually I end up next to Nico. We clash and clang our swords together for while. (Oh ya about the flag its safe. I made sure that there would be people guarded our flag and I'm not stupid) After a bit we finally got Annabeth across the creek and we won. We all started running around wildly screaming, shouting, and laughing with each other, only the Ares kids were sore losers. No one really went by me but i didnt care because i was going on a quest tonight.

------TIME SKIP---------

i start to make sure i have all my stuff for my quest. Once i walk out i see an angry Percy. He storms up to me yelling,"YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE GOING ON A QUEST WITH NICO AND RACHEL!!!!!"

I just smile saying,"you didnt need to know." and i walk off like a boss!!! I see him try to follow me by trying to stay in the shawdows but he needs to remember that im a daughter of Hecate and i use the mist all the time. I walk up to Nico and what i think is Rachel. I wave and they wave back. Rachel has red hair with freckles and she was wearing a blue shirt with jean shorts.

"Hey you Rachel?" I ask.

"Yup." She said popping the 'p'.

"Want to just get go'in." I say.

"We cant untill Chiron announces us to leave." Nico said

I sighed,"okay hopefully it doesn't take to long."

Then i hear Chiron's hoof pound on the ground grabbing everyones attention and then he says," Rosalina Allen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Nico Di Angelo are going on a quest."

Then he lets us say our goodbyes to everyone. Then we all pile in the car and start going to a bus stop. Once we get there we find a hotel and stay a night there. Once we get in the room Rachel runs and hops on the bed and says,"Dibs on the bed!"

"Dammit i wanted the bed." I mumbled. We all laugh execpt for Nico of course. So then i steal a pillow and blanket and set up a bed style thing in the corner of the room. Nico does the same thing but against the wall about 5 feet away from mine. Its 11:05 so we say our good nights and drift away from reality.

------AUTHORS NOTE---------

so sorry about not updating alot lately. So my peeps i am writing a new book called 5th grade love life (A Nico di Angelo love story) and sence school starts i will be updating later and i will try to make a schedule for all my updates on my books so ya. OH YA.... should i do a funny pjo pun or a question or something because i want my readers to like my authors notes..... OK CYA MEH PEEPS!

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