College Life

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As I strolled through the familiar pathways of Delhi University’s North Campus, a deep sense of pride settled in my chest. This place, with its vibrant energy and sprawling greens, had become more than just an institution. It was my second home. Every wall adorned with street art, every hidden nook where students gathered, and even the ever-bustling canteen held memories woven into the fabric of my life. I smiled to myself, savouring the feeling of belonging.

The buzz of my phone pulled me back to the present. A message from Sanju blinked on the screen: *“Meet me at the cafeteria!”*

Quickening my steps, I navigated through the sea of students, the hum of campus life filling the air. I spotted Sanju easily, sitting at our favourite table, her signature cold coffee in hand. She waved excitedly as I approached.

"Hey, girl!" she called out, her smile infectious.

I grinned back, plopping down beside her. "Hey!" I called out to the vendor for a chai, the warmth of the morning already making me crave it.

Sanju leaned in, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You won’t believe it—did you see Natasha's latest Instagram post? She's trying to sabotage *Delhi Diaries!*"

I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Natasha seriously needs to find a better hobby."

Sanju laughed. "I swear, that girl is obsessed. But don't worry, Avni. Your content is way more genuine. You’re going to outshine her."

I appreciated Sanju’s unwavering support, but Natasha’s antics still tugged at the back of my mind. Ever since I started *Delhi Diaries*, Natasha had always found ways to throw shade, but lately, it felt more personal, more desperate. Shaking the thought away, I took a sip of my chai just as the familiar figure of our professor entered the cafeteria.

"Ugh, time for class," Sanju groaned, grabbing her bag as we scrambled to collect our things.

As we rushed out of the cafeteria, weaving through students on their lunch break, my thoughts drifted to my future. Beyond the comfort of these familiar halls, a whole world awaited. Would I continue pursuing my passion for content creation, capturing Delhi’s hidden beauty for the world to see? Or would I follow a more traditional path, maybe something safer, something my family expected?

I glanced at Sanju, who was chattering about our upcoming project, but my thoughts remained elsewhere. The unknown loomed large in front of me, both thrilling and terrifying in its unpredictability.

Little did I know, my life was on the cusp of a change so profound that it would challenge everything I knew. It was as if the winds of fate were already swirling, waiting for the right moment to sweep me off my feet, altering the course of my life forever. But for now, the only thing on my mind was making it to class on time, unaware that destiny was quietly working its magic, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itself.

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