Sounds like a plan..

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WindSageMakar: hi im here

EarthSageMedli: okay, great! before we go any further, do you have an account on bloxyplay?

WindSageMakar: whats that

SeaSageOctavia: This new game that Medli told me all about. It's fun.

EarthSageMedli: make an account so the three of us can play together!

WindSageMakar: ok

WindSageMakar: done

EarthSageMedli: add me and via pls

WindSageMakar: okay what are your usernames

SeaSageOctavia: sagacioussavage

EarthSageMedli: HarpistCutieAttendant

WindSageMakar: i added you both

SeaSageOctavia: are you LEAFONMYCAR

WindSageMakar: yes

SeaSageOctavia: Accepted!

EarthSageMedli: accepted it!

SeaSageOctavia: I don't think I should play right now, I'm going to offer a few prayers, I have my uke on me, I wear it on my back, so I don't ever lose it. I'll be back online later!

EarthSageMedli: wait

EarthSageMedli: via

SeaSageOctavia: What is it Medli?

EarthSageMedli: i thought of a plan.

EarthSageMedli: what if you and I fake being sick to get out of our prayers?

SeaSageOctavia: Umm I don't know..

EarthSageMedli: vie

EarthSageMedli: let me tell you something

SeaSageOctavia: We'll get in so much trouble though.. what?

EarthSageMedli: via

EarthSageMedli: in a friendship, you get one chance to say "via, i need you to do this with me."

EarthSageMedli: so?

EarthSageMedli: will you?

EarthSageMedli: pls we're friends remember

SeaSageOctavia: Sure i guess? I'll do it. Sounds fun!

EarthSageMedli: then we can stay in the sage residences all day and play the game together.

EarthSageMedli: im gonna ask makar to join us.

EarthSageMedli: makar!

EarthSageMedli: vie and i wanna tell you something!

WindSageMakar: what

EarthSageMedli: i told via this, but i have a plan for the three of us to skip our prayers.

WindSageMakar: how

EarthSageMedli: we are going to pretend to be sick.

WindSageMakar: epic idea

WindSageMakar: im in

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