Oh.. thats why..

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SeaSageOctavia: So we have the chat to ourselves now

EarthSageMedli: via? Are you the one i met on dragon roost?

SeaSageOctavia: Yes, it is me!

WindSageMakar: oh its the girl that saved me from the carnivorous plant

SeaSageOctavia: Yes! No wonder we all thought we knew each other!

EarthSageMedli: must have been some illusion.

EarthSageMedli: i'm so excited to get to know you more via!!!

SeaSageOctavia: Same!!!

WindSageMakar: same i cant wait you know that i love deku leaves

EarthSageMedli: It's getting late..

SeaSageOctavia: I'm gonna offer a few more prayers, then go to bed. I'm tired.

SeaSageOctavia: Being a sage is a bunch of responsibility and work! Goodnight you two!

EarthSageMedli: night via!

EarthSageMedli: ❤️

WindSageMakar: im gonna do the same as octavia goodnight

EarthSageMedli: night makar!😊

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