40. Luke

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You slipped your feet in the cold murky water as the wind continued to blow several strands of wondering hair in your face. Wiggling your toes in the shallow stream, you could feel the damp ground through your worn out jeans, seeping onto your skin. You tilted your head back, and slowly closed your eyes. The soft whispers of the wind brushing against the leaves and the birds harmonizing within the trees relaxed you further. You would always come here to escape from reality; make the stress disappear if only for a few minutes. You were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn't hear leaves rustling or the footsteps behind you. Then, all of a sudden, a snap could be heard. As if a twig had been snapped in half.
You swiveled your head to the side to see who or what the intruder was.
"Oh, I didn't know anyone would be here," said the tall lanky boy, rather surprised. His soft sandy locks swept to the side as the wind caressed them. He nipped at the small dark hoop that graced his bottom lip.
You pulled yourself up to gather your things, pulling your pant legs down to rest at your ankles.
"No one normally is," you softly whispered. You slipped your iron man socks on, then your worn old brick red converses. You straightened up as he slowly approached.
"You don't have to leave," he said, rustling his hair nervously," I mean, we can chat right? What's the rush? I'm Luke by the way," he stuck his large hand out for me to shake. I placed my smaller hand in his and grasped a bit tighter.
I laughed softly and looked down quickly before looking back up into his glimmering blue eyes.
"I'm Y/N."


I'm a bad person....either that or a serious procrastinator.
School's been out for a bit and I've just been sucking up all of responsibilities of not having any responsibilities...except for eating, sleeping, and surviving.....TuT
I'll keep updating though, so don't worry.

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