18. Michael

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Clutching your books tighter to your chest, you fled from the classroom as soon as the bell rang, wanting to get this day over. You hated this school. Well school in general really. It interrupted your sleep, and made you depressed.

  You quickly dodged the kids in the hallway, trying to avoid anyone and everyone, but that would be too easy.

  Someone stuck their foot out, making you fumble to the ground, your papers and books scattering everywhere. You looked up from where you were sprawled out and saw it was Lucille, no one really special to the school, that stood smirking at you. You never really understood why she did the things she did to you, but you didn't know really how to go about defending yourself.

She began to laugh and her groupies joined in.

"Lucille! What the hell? Whats wrong with you?", yelled a deep voice. You looked over to see Michael Clifford. His slightly faded neon green hair was messy, as if he had been asleep. Although he seemed kind of like a slacker, he was really smart (A/N bet you thought I'd make him the punk didn't ya? Gotcha) like one of the most smartest kids in our grade.

He reached down and offered you his hand, which you kindly accepted. He then bent down grabbing all your scattered items, handing them to you with a genuine smile that lit up his eyes.

"Here Y/N. I'm sorry," he said. You were shocked he knew your name but didn't say anything about that.

"Its not your fault," you whispered.

He shook his head and turned to Lucille. He got really close in her face and said calmly yet there was a deadly tone to it," If you ever touch her again, I will personally make you regret it, consequences or not."

He grabbed your free hand and pulled you with him outside. He sat on the old wooden bench and you joined him after a couple of minutes.

"I really am sorry that happened,"he suddenly.

"It really wasn't your fault," you said.

"Isn't it? I mean, I've seen her do it before. You don't let the girl you really like get bullied," he said.

"You like me?"

" Absolutely. What's not to like?"


"Well, can I take you somewhere tonight? I wanna show you something."

You were baffled by the thought of him wanting to take you on a date, much less actually liking you.

"Uhm, yeah," you agreed. He smiled widely before standing up and kissing your cheek.

"See you tonight Y/N."


I don't really like this one that much:P Ignore typos please:)




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