22. All of The Stars

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I highly suggest listening to All of The Stars by Ed Sheeran while reading this. It makes it way better, promise.

You stared up at the dark indigo sky plastered with small stars. You smiled a little when you saw a shooting star, thinking of him. How he could always make you smile with only the slightest thing he did. How you felt the stirring of anxiety in your gut everytime he was close. How you lived for the days when he was across the world you could hear his voice when he called to say he loved you. How even when he was fighting to hold onto every gasp of breath he could muster, he would hold you tight, whispering he was okay.

To everyone else, this was a normal night, but for you, it wasn't just that. It was a rememberance of the true love you lost.

You didn't like to think of him as the term 'dead'. Just lost because one day you will find him. Someday close.

You glanced at your oxygen tank, pumping the air you so 'desperately' needed into your pathetic withered lungs.

The doctors said you had a little over three days left. How they can time how long you live bothered you, but you were kind of excited. You welcomed death, not as an enemy, but as a friend. A friend that would reunite you with him.

The boy you fell madly in love with and your best friend.


I kind of was rereading A Fault in Our Stars before writing this so....yeah...That book is so amazing...I haven't seen the movie yet but I've heard its amazing:)

I cried while writing this..probably because Ed Sheeran's amazing voice though...




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