3. He makes you feel Insecure

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Your were on the phone with your best friend (Y/F/N) talking about her latest boy issues.

"Why don't you ju-Ahhh!" you screamed as a loud clap of thunder rambled outside. You were deathly afraid of thunder storms, and it only got worse the older you got. You were ashamed of being scared of thunder, but you couldn't help it.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" asked Michael, who had ran out of the bathroom soaking wet, his lower half covered by a white towl. Under normal circumstances you would have stared, but you was really scared.

"Uhm, yeah, the thunder scared me," you said embarrassed.

"God (Y/N), why can't you get over that. Its not like the thunder itself can hurt you," he said, aggravated.

"I'm s-sorry. I d-don't mean to bother you with it. I didn't m-mean to scream," you stuttered out, ashamed and hurt by how he was acting.

"Its fine, just could you like not do it again? You made me cut my cheek while shaving," he said before returning to the bathroom.

"S-sorry," you whispered, knowing he couldn't hear you.

You finally noticed your phone still on the ground. You picked it up and returned it to your ear.

"Hello?" you quietly asked.

"(Y/N, I want you to come to my house. He's being a shallow bast-" I interrupted her.

"He's not. But I'm coming. I don't want to bother him with my screaming again," you told her.

"Alright see ya (Y/N). Be safe. I know you get paranoid and scared when it storms," she said and hung up.

"Ok," you whispered to nothing.

You walked in your room and got some clothes for a couple of days. Who knows how long this storm could last. You felt tears stream down your face because of Michael. You just wished he understood and would comfort you. Putting your clothes in an overnight bag, you walked out towards the door to leave.

"(Y/N)?" asked a quiet voice. You turned to see Michael standing there with damp hair dressed only in sweat pants.

"Where are you going?" he asked. He sounded genuinely worried. Scared even.

"To (Y/F/N)'s house. I didn't want to bother you with my, you know, stupid fear," you said bitterly. He stepped forward until he was right in front of you and grabbed your hands in his.

"Its not stupid. I am for not comforting you when you got scared. I was just mad cause I cut my cheek with that damn razor. Just don't leave, ok?"

"Just don't act like that please. It hurt me Michael," you said with a strained voice.

"Never babe. I love you."


"I'm going to get some more food, you want anything?" you asked Ashton.

"I'm fine babe. Uh, are going like that?" he said, indicating your appearance. You looked down at yourself. You wore a baggy Green Day shirt and baggy sweat pants. Your hair was in a messy bun and you had absolutely no make up on. What, it was a lazy day.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? I'm just buying food," you said, uncomfortable about this whole conversation.

"You just look like a hobo babe. I mean people are gonna think you're stealing the food, not buying it," he said, barely glancing up from his phone this time. Wow. Considering this was his shirt and you were his girlfriend that he said he loved no matter what you looked like, it hurt.

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