Part 1

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Riverdale High: A weekend After Valerie's Murder

Betty, Andrews, and Jughead all meet each other at the entrance of the school for today. Despite everything's that's happened, they have all now agreed to work together to stop the Riverdale Slasher before he takes anymore lives. He or she has been using this place as a playground for his sick games, which all have trailed back to mostly Betty one way or another, and maybe it'll happen again, but something tells them that everything will end soon and all of the victims, even the less moral ones, will be avenged.

"I checked with everyone, the rest of the cats, the staff, her parents, everyone that was in the parking lot, but still got nothing...." Archie reports to the others as he shrugs, his hands deep in his jacket's pockets. "I went from the beginning of the day to the very end, but nobody saw what happened to her before we......" He pauses, swallowing. "....before she was found dead."

"So that means that she was somehow taken into the van somewhere on her way there, in plain sight?" Jughead concludes with the evidence they've gotten so far. The killer claimed that the murder happened before they even called them using Valerie's voice, but is that really the truth? "But I thought her and the pussycats always walk together, even to school?"

"Yeah, that's what doesn't make any sense to me. They didn't see her either. Someone either had to know her personal route or was extremely lucky that no one saw them." Archie comments with frustrated and confused face, causing them all to think until the girl in the trio comes up with a solution.

"Maybe we're thinking about this all wrong...." Betty mumbles in though, causing both Archie and Jughead to turn to her. "I feel like there's something we're missing. Maybe we should talk at the diner after school and talk suspects." She suggests, and after sharing a look, the two boys nod in agreement.

"Hey there, players!" A voice exclaims, and everyone looks to see Kevin walking up to them with a slightly raised brow. "What's up with you guys today? You look like you've seen roadkill." He comments while also glancing at his best friend. "And Betty, you haven't been picking up, that's a lame friend foul, you know."

"Oh, gosh, I know, I'm so sorry." Betty sheepishly apologizes as she mentally face palms, realizing that she was up all-night thinking about the latest murder to remember her friendships. "I-I've just been so stressed with homework and my parents splitting that I-"

"Whoa, whoa, Betty, chill." Kevin cuts her off put putting a hand on her shoulder with a laugh. "I'm just giving you a hard time. Still glad to see you still alive, obviously."  He lets her know, though the dark humor doesn't land the way he wants it to with the others. "So.... what is going on though, really?"

"Nothing much. Just trying to avoid trouble so we don't get our ass kicked from bikers again." Archie answers with a shrug, saving his friends from sharing whatever it is they are hesitant to reveal. Guess Kevin only knows a tiny bit of what they are investigating about the town's serial killer. "What about you? Is Joaquin still calling?" 

"Knew you were gonna bring that up..." Kevin replies with a small grumble before opening his eyes back up to reply. "Well, he kinda is, but he's also been acting weird, something about how his boss-" 

"Oh my gosh, guys, there you are!" Another voice chimes in before Kevin can gossip, causing  everyone to look over and see Veronica marching down the stairs she just entered so she can approach with an odd face that seems to be trying to offer sympathy towards them. "I'm so sorry...."

Jughead blinks. "About what?" He asks while everyone else has a confused face. Veronica then pulls up the infamous green coloring of the poll that's been an annoying house fly for them this entire time since Grundy's death. This causes everyone to share a knowing, haunted look before they all pull out their phones and see the current one for themselves.

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