Chapter 1: The miller's son

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Once upon a time there was a poor miller, who loved to show off. She boasted about everything.

"I have a pretty son." she said.

Sometimes her boasts were true...

"Hello, Mother." greeted his son.

And sometimes they weren't...

"I'm the best looking woman around." said the miller.

One day, on her way back from a hunt, the Queen rode through the miller's village. Suddenly, she stopped.

A handsome boy was standing on the path.

"What's you name?" asked the Queen, gazing at him.

"His name is ," said the miller, quickly. "He's my son...

...and he can spin straw into gold," she added, boasting as usual.

"Really?" asked the Queen.

"Yes, really," replied the miller, nodding her head.

"In that case, bring him to my castle," ordered the Queen, and rode away.

"This is your chance, ," cried the miller. "The more the Queen sees your pretty face, the more she'll want to marry you. You could be King!"

The next morning, the miller took Anshu to see the Queen.

The castle walls were old and crumbling. Windows were broken and doors were missing.

"The Queen must be short of money," whispered the miller.

"You can't go!" the Queen commanded the miller "As for you," she said turning to Anshu, "follow me."

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