Chapter 4: Anshu's promise

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A year later, the Queen bore Anshu a beautiful girl. He loved her more than his own life. "Let me in!"

But, one dark winter's day, the King heard a tapping noise at his window.

"Oh no!" he gasped. "The little woman's back!"

"You can't come in trying to cried the King, clutching his baby

"That's what you think," said the little woman.

She disappeared from the window. The King waited.

"Perhaps she's gone? He hoped.

The next moment, there was a rustling noise in the chimmey and the little woman whooshed into the room.

"Give me the baby, as you promised," she cried, dancing around the room.

"Take whatever you want," pleaded the King. "You can have all my money and all my jewels. But please let me keep my daughter."

"No!" said the woman something alive means more to me and all the treasures in the world."

The King was wept and begged and wept again. At last. The little woman took pity on him

"I will give you three days," she said "If you can find out my name before then you may keep the child."

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