Chapter 2: The Queen's test

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The Queen led Anshu down dark quarters and twisting stairs and last they reached a tiny room stuffed with straw.

In the corner was a large spinning-wheel. "You're pretty enough to marry," said the Queen. "But are you as clever as your mother says?"

"You have tonight to turn this straw into gold. If you fail you shall die." Then she went out and locked the door.

Anshu sat down, put his head in his hands and sobbed.

"Oh Mother!" he cried. "What have you done?

I don't want to die! I want to be King, but I can't spin straw into gold. No one can!"

"That's what you think!" from the window.

Anshu jumped, there, by the window, was a little woman—riding on a wooden spoon.

Her long green braid waved about in the wind.

"Hurry up," she shouted, "and let me in! it's cold out here!"

With a trembling hand, Anshu opened the window...

,,,and a little woman flew in.

"Master Miller," she said with a smile. "What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold?"

For a moment, Anshu was too shocked to speak. He could only open and close his mouth, like a fish.

"I c-c-could give you my necklace?" he said, at last.

"Perfect," said the little woman, grabbing it.

She leaped onto the stool, tossed her braid over her shoulder and began to spin.

Whirl, whirl, whirl.

Anshu gasped in surprise. The straw was changing into gold before his eyes.

He tried to how it was done. But as he watched the whirring wheel, he felt his eyes begin to close.

Soon, he was fast asleep.

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