Chapter 3

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The sun hung high over the Outer Banks, a vibrant orb illuminating the day with golden rays that danced on the waves. Sky woke up feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest. Today was special-not only was she heading to a Kook party, but it was one of those rare occasions where the Pogues and Kooks mingled, a delicate dance of camaraderie and competition. She loved being the bridge between her two friend groups, and the thought of bringing them all together made her smile.

After a quick breakfast consisting of a banana and some toast, Sky threw on a breezy white tank top that complimented her sun-kissed skin and a pair of frayed denim cut-offs. She glanced in the mirror and couldn't help but fluff her hair, letting the waves fall freely over her shoulders. Her reflection mirrored her excitement, her hazel eyes shining with anticipation for the fun day ahead.

With a quick check of her phone for messages-mainly from Rafe, her Kook boyfriend, reminding her to meet him at the beach-she slipped on her flip-flops and headed out. The salty breeze hit her face, a refreshing reminder of the ocean's proximity. She decided to jog to Tannyhill, the place where she often felt most at peace, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the scent of saltwater.

As she jogged along the familiar sandy path, her mind drifted to the party. The tension between the Pogues and Kooks often felt palpable, but Sky knew how to diffuse it with her bubbly personality and genuine kindness. Despite their differences, she believed that everyone could find common ground, especially when they were all there to have fun.

Upon arriving at Tannyhill, she was greeted by the sight of Rafe lounging on the porch. He was propped up on his elbows, a guitar resting on his knee, strumming a gentle melody that mingled with the sounds of the surf. His tousled hair caught the light, giving him an effortless charm that made her heart flutter.

"Hey, sunshine," Rafe called out, his face breaking into a wide smile when he saw her.

"Hey yourself! What's that you're playing?" Sky asked as she flopped down next to him, her legs tucking beneath her.

"Just messing around. I was thinking about how much I'm looking forward to the party tonight," he said, his gaze shifting to the ocean, a slight breeze tousling his hair.

Sky leaned into him, feeling the warmth radiate from his body. "Me too! But first, how about some surfing?"

Rafe's eyes lit up. "You read my mind. Let's hit the waves!"

They hurried to the beach, and Sky felt the familiar thrill as they paddled out on their boards. The ocean sparkled under the sun, waves rolling in with a rhythmic grace that always excited her. Sky felt free, gliding over the water, laughing as Rafe attempted to catch a wave right beside her. Their playful competition sent them tumbling into the surf, spluttering with laughter as they resurfaced, their hair slicked back and skin glistening.

After an exhilarating session, they flopped onto the beach, breathless and happy. The sun warmed their skin as they lay in the sand, the sound of the waves crashing providing a comforting backdrop. Rafe brushed sand off his arms, turning to Sky with a genuine smile.

"You know, I really love hanging out like this with you. You make everything more fun," he said, his tone sincere.

Sky felt her cheeks warm. "I feel the same way! You add something special to my days, Rafe. It's like we create our own little world out here."

Just then, a familiar voice rang out. "Hey, lovebirds!" Kelce shouted, sprinting towards them, his energy infectious. "We thought we'd find you two making out in the sand!"

Sky laughed, rolling her eyes. "As if! We were just enjoying the waves. What are you guys up to?"

"Heading to the party early to set things up," Topper chimed in, joining Kelce. "Wanna help us out?"

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