Chapter 13

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Sky woke to the faint scent of the sea, the sunlight slipping through her window and casting golden streaks across her bed. The breeze brought with it the familiar rustling of the palm trees and the soft cries of seagulls gliding above the water. She blinked sleepily, her body reluctant to leave the comfort of her warm sheets, but the lure of the ocean was already tugging at her.

There was something about the early mornings in the Outer Banks that had always called to her-a promise in the air of adventure and freedom that made her heart race. Her room was quiet, save for the distant hum of Barry's radio playing softly from the kitchen. She could hear him clattering about, likely making breakfast, his movements sure and methodical, as always.

Stretching lazily, Sky pushed herself up, yawning as she ran a hand through her tousled hair. The sunlight was bright today, reflecting off the ocean in sparkling waves just visible through her window. It felt like the kind of day made for surfing.

She padded down the hallway, barefoot on the cool wooden floors. Barry was already sitting at the small kitchen table, his gaze fixed on something out the window. He looked up as she approached, raising an eyebrow.

"You're up early," he remarked, his voice low and even, though there was a hint of surprise in his tone.

Sky shrugged, grabbing a piece of toast from the plate in front of him. "Couldn't sleep anymore. Besides, it's too perfect a day to waste."

Barry's eyes flickered to the window, where the sunlight danced on the water. "Surfing again?"

"Of course," Sky grinned, taking a bite of toast. "Want to join?"

He snorted, shaking his head. "You know I'm not crazy enough to get out there before breakfast."

Sky laughed, the sound light and carefree. There was something comforting about their morning routine-the easy way they slipped into conversation, the silent understanding between them. Barry had always been more of a homebody, content to watch over things from the shore, but she knew he enjoyed these mornings just as much as she did.

After a quick breakfast, Sky grabbed her surfboard and threw it into the back of her truck. The sun was already high in the sky, casting long shadows across the sandy road as she drove toward the beach. The salty air filled her lungs, and she felt that familiar excitement build in her chest, a sense of anticipation she never got tired of. The ocean always had that effect on her-endless, untamable, and full of possibilities.

When she arrived at the beach, the sand was warm beneath her feet, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore sent a thrill up her spine. She could see the peaks of the surf rising and falling in the distance, white foam curling like a beckoning hand. It was quiet, with only a few early risers scattered along the shoreline-locals who, like her, understood the magic of these early hours.

Sky stood at the water's edge, the board tucked under her arm, letting the waves lap at her ankles. The sea stretched out before her, vast and inviting, the horizon melting into the sky in a blur of blues and greens. She closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation, feeling the pull of the ocean in her bones.

With a deep breath, she waded into the water, the coolness of it rushing up her legs as she moved deeper. The board bobbed beside her, her fingers grazing the surface of the water, feeling the smoothness of the current as it rolled beneath her. She paddled out, her arms cutting through the water with ease, the rhythmic motion lulling her into a meditative state.

The waves were steady today-not too rough, but with just enough energy to challenge her. Sky felt her muscles wake up as she paddled further out, her body syncing with the ebb and flow of the ocean. When she finally reached the point where the waves were starting to crest, she paused, straddling her board and looking back toward the shore. The beach seemed so far away now, a distant blur of golden sand and palm trees swaying in the breeze.

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