Chapter 9

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The afternoon sun was fading, casting long shadows across the sprawling lawns of Tannyhill. Sky drove down the familiar gravel driveway, her heart light and mind buzzing with the anticipation of a peaceful evening ahead. The grand mansion stood as an imposing reminder of the Kooks' wealth and power, but to her, Tannyhill was less about the status it symbolized and more about the warmth she felt when she spent time there with Rafe. It had become a quiet escape from the chaos of the island, a place where the two of them could simply be themselves, away from the prying eyes of their friends and the social pressures that came with being a Pogue and a Kook.

She parked her Jeep under the massive oak tree that had been there for as long as she could remember, grabbing the grocery bag filled with snacks from the passenger seat before stepping out. The crisp evening air greeted her with the fresh scent of the ocean carried on the wind, mingling with the earthy aroma of the woods surrounding the estate. As she approached the front door, it swung open to reveal Rafe standing there, a lopsided grin plastered on his face.

"You're right on time," he said, his blue eyes gleaming as they met hers. His usually sharp, guarded demeanor softened around Sky, and tonight was no exception. He wore a simple gray t-shirt and jeans, casual but still somehow polished in the way Rafe always seemed to carry himself.

Sky smiled back, lifting the grocery bag. "I come bearing snacks. Think you can handle it?"

He chuckled, stepping aside to let her in. "With you? I never know. It could be anything from popcorn to gourmet desserts."

"Hey, you're the one with the chef. I just bring the fun stuff," she teased, brushing past him into the expansive hallway. The familiar coolness of the marble floors and high ceilings welcomed her as they moved through the house toward the kitchen.

Tannyhill had always struck her as both intimidating and oddly comforting. The sheer size of it could be overwhelming, but Rafe made the place feel like home. He had that effect on her-a calming presence when he let his guard down, even when he didn't realize it. Tonight, the house was quiet. Ward and Rose were out of town, leaving the place entirely to them, and Sky reveled in the peacefulness that surrounded them.

They reached the kitchen, a pristine space that looked like it belonged in a magazine spread with its stainless steel appliances and perfectly organized counters. Sky hopped onto one of the bar stools as Rafe began rifling through the bag, pulling out chips, chocolate, and her signature pack of gummy bears.

"So, what's the plan?" Sky asked, watching him as he absentmindedly opened a bag of chips and popped one into his mouth.

Rafe shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "I figured we could do something low-key. Maybe watch a movie or just hang out. Thought you could use a break from all the excitement of your birthday and the beach parties."

Sky nodded, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "Yeah, something chill sounds perfect. I don't think I have the energy for another night of chaos."

Rafe tossed her the remote. "You pick. I trust your taste."

Sky flipped through the options on the giant TV that dominated one wall of the living room, the sound of crinkling snack bags and Rafe's steady presence behind her a soothing backdrop. She settled on an old movie, something comforting and familiar, before sliding back into the plush couch, tucking her legs beneath her.

Rafe joined her, sitting close enough for their shoulders to brush, but not so close that it felt stifling. He was like that-attentive but never overbearing. As the opening credits rolled, Sky let herself sink into the cushions, savoring the quietude. The movie's warm glow flickered across their faces, the soft hum of the soundtrack filling the space between them.

For the first few minutes, they sat in silence, occasionally reaching for the snacks they'd spread out on the coffee table in front of them. But as the movie played on, Rafe began to relax more visibly, his arm draping casually over the back of the couch behind her.

"Remember when we watched this at the drive-in last summer?" he asked, his voice low and soft.

Sky smiled at the memory. That had been one of the first times they'd hung out alone, outside of the typical Kook and Pogue drama. They'd stayed late, long after everyone else had left, just talking and laughing about nothing in particular.

"Yeah," she replied, turning slightly to look at him. "You spent half the time making fun of the cheesy dialogue."

Rafe chuckled, his eyes bright. "Can you blame me? Some of the lines are awful."

"They're classic!" Sky protested, playfully shoving him. "You just don't appreciate the art of a good rom-com."

"Oh, I appreciate it. But sometimes you gotta call it like you see it," he said with a smirk, grabbing a handful of gummy bears and tossing one in his mouth.

Sky rolled her eyes, but the lightness between them was palpable. This was how it always was with Rafe when it was just the two of them. No pretenses, no expectations. Just easy conversation and the feeling of being completely at ease in each other's company.

As the movie progressed, the soft light from the screen and the comfortable silence between them made Sky's mind wander. She found herself thinking about how far they'd come. Rafe had his issues, no doubt about it, but when it was just them, she could see the person he was beneath the tough exterior. He was kind, protective, and surprisingly gentle in moments like this-things he rarely let anyone else see.

Halfway through the movie, Rafe shifted slightly, pulling Sky closer. She didn't resist, leaning into the warmth of his body, her head resting on his shoulder. It wasn't a grand gesture, but it felt significant in its simplicity. There was a quiet intimacy between them that didn't need words.

"You comfortable?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah," she murmured, closing her eyes for a moment as she listened to the steady rhythm of his breathing.

For the next hour, they stayed like that, wrapped in the quiet comfort of each other's presence. The movie played on, but neither of them was really paying attention anymore. Instead, Sky found herself lost in the moment, the weight of the world melting away as the evening wore on.

When the movie finally ended, Rafe reached for the remote and turned off the TV, plunging the room into soft darkness. The only light came from the moon filtering in through the large windows, casting a silver glow across the room.

Sky stretched, her muscles pleasantly sore from the relaxation, and glanced over at Rafe. He was looking at her, his expression unreadable but tender in a way that made her heart skip a beat.

"Thanks for tonight," she said quietly. "I really needed this."

Rafe nodded, his eyes softening. "You're welcome. I figured you could use a night off from the craziness."

Sky smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. There were so many things she could have said in that moment, but none of them felt quite right. Instead, she reached over and squeezed his hand gently, letting the gesture speak for itself.

Rafe's hand closed around hers, strong and reassuring, and for a long moment, they just sat there, the silence between them filled with unspoken understanding. Eventually, Sky let out a contented sigh and leaned back against the couch, her heart full.

As the night stretched on and the stars twinkled outside, she couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these. It wasn't about grand gestures or dramatic declarations. It was about the quiet, peaceful moments where everything just felt right. Here, in the warmth of Tannyhill with Rafe beside her, Sky felt like she was exactly where she was meant to be.

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