Chapter 10

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The morning sun rose bright and bold over the Outer Banks, casting a golden glow across the rippling waves as they rolled toward the shore. It was one of those perfect late-summer days-clear skies, a warm breeze, and the promise of something exciting hanging in the air. The beach was already buzzing with life by the time Sky pulled up, her surfboard strapped to the top of her Jeep. Today was no ordinary day; it was the day she had orchestrated a rare truce between the Pogues and the Kooks, bringing both sides together for a friendly surf competition.

As she hopped out of her car, Sky could already see the familiar faces of her friends gathering near the water. John B and JJ were standing with their boards planted in the sand, already sizing up the waves. Nearby, Kiara and Sarah were setting up a makeshift judging table, giggling as they pretended to take their roles far too seriously. A little farther down the beach, Topper and Kelce were leaning against Topper's truck, looking smug in their expensive wetsuits, while Rafe stood beside them, arms crossed and eyes scanning the water.

It was rare to have everyone in one place like this, but Sky had a way of making things happen that nobody else could. She'd pitched the idea of the surf-off a week ago, casually mentioning it over a late-night bonfire, and by the next morning, both sides had agreed. It was a miracle in itself, considering the rivalry that ran so deep between the Kooks and the Pogues. But Sky had always been a bridge between them-a mix of both worlds, equally at home in each one.

She grabbed her board and made her way across the sand, the cool grains slipping between her toes as she approached her friends. The air was filled with the salty scent of the ocean, the distant cries of seagulls, and the low hum of excitement from the gathered crowd.

"Look who finally decided to show up!" JJ called out, grinning as Sky approached. He was already half in his wetsuit, his hair a wild mess of blond curls that seemed to catch the sun with every movement.

Sky rolled her eyes. "I'm not even late. You're just too eager."

John B chuckled from beside him, giving Sky a mock salute. "We were starting to think you chickened out, Sky."

"Oh, please," she said with a playful scoff, dropping her board in the sand next to theirs. "You two are going down. I was practically born for this."

JJ feigned a look of mock horror. "Did you hear that, John B? She's talking big today."

Sky laughed, already feeling the familiar camaraderie settle around her. This was what she loved most-being with her friends, surrounded by laughter and the endless horizon of the ocean. There was nothing complicated here, no social lines to cross, just the pure joy of the sun, the surf, and the people she cared about most.

Across the beach, Topper waved, his eyes meeting hers as he called out, "You ready for this, Sky? Don't think we're going easy on you just because you organized the whole thing."

Sky shot him a grin. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Bring your A-game, Topper."

With that, the preparations for the surf-off were in full swing. The beach seemed to pulse with energy as both sides began suiting up, waxing boards, and playfully trash-talking each other. Sky wandered between the groups, making sure everything was in order. Kiara and Sarah had set up the scoring system, drawing lines in the sand and organizing a few fold-out chairs for the unofficial judges. The waves were perfect-medium-sized swells, steady and clean, ideal for showing off some serious surfing skills.

Barry showed up just as the first heat was about to begin, pulling up in his beat-up truck with a grin plastered on his face. He wasn't here to surf-he'd made that clear-but he was here to support his sister, and he made sure everyone knew it. As he walked over, he raised a massive sign he'd made, the words "GO SKY, THE REAL THORNTON CHAMP" scrawled in big, uneven letters.

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