Chapter 17

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The morning sun spilled through the window, bathing Sky's room in a warm, golden light. Today was her seventeenth birthday, and as she stretched out in bed, she felt an exhilarating mix of excitement and anticipation. The scent of pancakes wafted in from the kitchen, pulling her from the warmth of her blankets and luring her toward the promise of a delicious birthday breakfast.

As she slipped out of bed and padded barefoot across the cool wooden floor, her heart fluttered with memories of birthdays past-each one a unique tapestry of laughter, surprises, and, of course, cake. But today felt different; today was a day filled with possibilities.

Sky made her way down the hall, her footsteps light with eagerness. As she entered the kitchen, she was greeted by a sight that made her heart swell. Barry was bustling around the stove, flipping pancakes with the same flair he brought to everything he did. The kitchen was adorned with colorful streamers and a "Happy Birthday" banner that swayed gently in the morning breeze.

"Look who finally decided to join the living!" Barry exclaimed, grinning widely. He turned, holding a pancake in the air like a trophy. "I hope you're hungry because I made enough to feed a small army!"

Sky laughed, her smile infectious. "I'm starving! But you know I'm not going to share any of these pancakes with you, right?"

"Rude!" Barry feigned offense, clutching his heart dramatically. "Just for that, I might keep the best ones to myself!"

As they settled down to breakfast, the warm, buttery pancakes melted in her mouth. They were accompanied by fresh berries and maple syrup, the perfect combination to kick off her special day. With each bite, Sky savored not just the food but the warmth of being surrounded by her brother's loving chaos.

Between bites, Barry presented her with a gift-a small, neatly wrapped package adorned with a bright blue ribbon. "I couldn't let your birthday start without a little surprise," he said, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Sky raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "You know how I feel about surprises!"

"Oh, this one's good, I promise!" he insisted, leaning forward, his enthusiasm contagious.

With a grin, she tore into the wrapping, revealing a beautifully crafted journal. The cover was a soft leather, embossed with a wave design that reminded her of the ocean. Inside, the pages were blank and inviting, waiting for her thoughts, dreams, and adventures.

"Wow, Barry, this is amazing!" Sky exclaimed, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you! I've wanted a journal for ages. I can't wait to fill it with all my surf stories!"

Barry leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smirk on his face. "I figured you could use a place to jot down all your genius ideas and deep thoughts. You know, to avoid the world losing out on your brilliance."

"Very funny," Sky teased, rolling her eyes but unable to suppress her smile. "I'll write in it every day, just to keep you entertained."

After breakfast, Sky and Barry cleaned up together, their playful banter filling the kitchen. Barry put on an old rock playlist that blared through the speakers, turning their cleanup into an impromptu dance party. They swayed and twirled around the kitchen, the laughter echoing off the walls as Barry attempted to show her his best air guitar moves, much to Sky's amusement.

"Okay, I'll admit it, I'm pretty spectacular," he declared, striking a ridiculous pose.

"Spectacularly terrible, maybe!" Sky retorted, playfully nudging him out of the way as she tried to spin around him.

Once the kitchen was clean, Barry announced it was time to prepare for the surprise party he had planned. "Get ready, birthday girl! Your friends are coming over soon for a celebration like no other."

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