Chapter 40: Alphas in their Susceptible Periods are Hard to Console

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Chapter 40: Alphas in their Susceptible Periods are Hard to Console

Two hours, thirty-eight minutes, and fifty-six seconds.

Chi Zhuo paused, surprised by the precision of the number.

Unless someone had been counting the entire time, how could they know?

It had been just over two hours since Ji Chenxi had replied to his message.

Chi Zhuo's previously calm heart could no longer maintain its composure. His heart pounded wildly, crashing like a drum, and the earlier intent to teach Ji Chenxi a lesson silently disappeared.

Step by step, Ji Chenxi approached, his presence overwhelming. The pheromones of his susceptible period forcefully encroached on Chi Zhuo. Any other alpha would have been nauseated by such a concentrated scent, but Chi Zhuo was different. Underneath the dominant pheromones, he could detect traces of vulnerability.

Vulnerability? It was an odd word to use for an alpha, especially one exuding such hostility right now.

The dynamic between them had shifted completely.

Under Ji Chenxi's fierce gaze, Chi Zhuo said, "I never said I would come."

Ji Chenxi let out a cold laugh, clearly unimpressed, though his steps slowed slightly, even stopping altogether.

The small bit of reason Ji Chenxi had left after being tormented by his susceptible period surfaced, and he suddenly recalled something. He had only thrown out a challenge to Chi Zhuo without receiving any reply. Chi Zhuo had never explicitly said he would come, so his presence now was an unexpected surprise.

But that small shred of reason was quickly abandoned. Alphas in their susceptible periods were notorious for being unreasonable, and countless omegas and betas struggled with their difficult-to-console partners.

In the end, Ji Chenxi wasn't soothed; instead, his agitation and displeasure only intensified.

When he didn't see anyone, he would feel uneasy because his alpha didn't come, and he was extremely fragile. But when people came, half of the uneasiness was eliminated, and what remained were the dark thoughts brought about by the uneasiness.

"You mean it's good enough that you can come now?"

Without waiting for Chi Zhuo to speak, he added: "If you think so, you can leave now. I won't stop you."

Ji Chenxi narrowed his deep-sea blue eyes and pointed at the window that someone had just climbed through, and his intention to drive that person away was obvious.

But if you really want someone to leave, why was he sad because that person didn't come?

Children who know how to act coquettishly will get candies, but children who used to act coquettishly suddenly didn't want to act coquettishly anymore.

Chi Zhuo felt a little uncomfortable, and there was a dark darkness in his eyes, which was even darker than the night sky outside the house.

"But I still came." Chi Zhuo said in a low voice.

Ji Chenxi tilted his head slightly and said "hmm" softly in a nasal tone.

"After what you said before, I came anyway."

Ji Chenxi felt that his brain was a little confused at this moment. What Chi Zhuo wanted to express was more than what he heard, so the other party wanted to express something else.

The nails pierced into the palm of his hand once again, gaining the little sanity from the pain.

"Because you desperately want to kill me?"

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