Chapter 83: Strategizing with a Tiger

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Chapter 83: Strategizing with a Tiger

People always have their preferences—what they like and what they don't.

To express his feelings, Ge You often said, "I like the little third party the most" in front of him, but he couldn't say he had a good relationship with Ge You.

He was a meticulously calculating android, created not for combat but to serve as Morning Star's assistant. Ge You was his senior, but this senior rarely acted like one; often, he needed him to help clean up his messes, which led to their familiarity.

At first, Ji Chenxi didn't like Ge You at all, thinking he merely occupied an advantage in the combat system and various data. Later, he began to pity this senior, after all, he had to keep dying for his master's whimsical ideas. Ge You took it all lightly, chuckling, "As long as my chip isn't destroyed, I won't die."

But what if the chip got damaged? Ji Chenxi asked, and Ge You's face showed a rare complexity. "Well, it depends on whether my master still needs me. If he does, I'll protect my chip no matter what. But we're expendable; who can say how long we can really live?"

They were simply expendable, something they understood from the moment they gained consciousness. Perhaps in the eyes of their master, they were just lifeless entities, even their personalities designed and planned by him. So why did the young master create someone like Ge You?

Ge You was too special; precisely because of this, Ji Chenxi knew he was unique and could live for a long time. But now, for the greater plan, Ge You had been abandoned by his master.

Ji Chenxi's remark about disliking explosions only caused the youth to momentarily lose focus, but he quickly snapped back to attention and pressed the command button.

The massive, high-tech cannon aimed at Ji Chenxi, and after locking onto him, it was ready to fire.

Ji Chenxi channeled his mental energy, and with pinpoint accuracy, the mental energy blade severed the cannon. At the same time, thorny vines pierced into a specific area, damaging the wiring there. The damage rendered the cannon completely useless, and the immense power that had gathered quickly dissipated before it could take shape.

Now the elevator was the target of their attacks, and Ji Chenxi wouldn't use it under such circumstances.

He tapped several times on his holographic brain, bringing up a virtual screen. Having previously experienced a situation where his equipment wasn't high enough to compete for control, he wouldn't let that mistake happen again.

His device scanned the area, and the virtual screen continuously displayed data about the situation. Ji Chenxi first connected his virtual screen to the local system and then began his power struggle using that connection.

Initially, the massive screen in front of the youth showed no response, but it was precisely this lack of response that made him realize something was wrong.

He clearly saw Ji Chenxi doing something through the surveillance footage, and the lack of reaction from the system was genuinely terrifying.

Not one to sit idly by, he flew into action, his fingers dancing as he struck the keys, the rapid tapping sounds ringing out. The false calm finally revealed its flaws; the opponent was seizing control of the elevator. He did his best to reclaim it, but the results were invariably rejected. The repeated failures made him acutely aware of the opponent's terrifying capabilities; he simply couldn't stop them.

First, it was the control of the elevator, then the control over every attack and defense.

He hadn't left any backup; he was supposed to give commands from the control center, but with that advantage, he was still robbed of control here.

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