Chapter 22

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Days passed. Tommy's soreness faded away, and it wasn't long before he was fully recovered from his kidnapping. At least in the physical sense.

Tommy spent his days lounging with either Tubbo and Ranboo or Wilbur by his side (because now that they had talked, Wilbur was back to being a clingy shit). Sometimes, all of them would pile onto the couch and watch movies, although there was still a bit of tension between Wilbur and Tommy's roommates. It seemed to be getting better with each passing day though, and Tommy wondered if one day, Tubbo and Ranboo would consider the Soots as friends. He certainly hoped so.

But now with Tommy healed up, a new question hung over the entire Soot household.

What happened now?

Briefly, Tommy wondered if he was going to move back in with Tubbo and Ranboo since they'd made up, but that idea was quickly shut down by Wilbur reminding him that Dream was probably still going to be looking for him since his rescue. Just because Tommy was free now didn't mean Dream was going to give up, so they had to be careful until they could figure out what to do.

Technoblade and Wilbur both wanted Tommy to stay in the house until they managed to... well, make a deal with Dream or take him down permanently. Just get him out of the way to ensure Tommy's safety. But there was no fucking way Tommy was going to go for that. He'd been stuck inside for five days and he was already going stir crazy.

Shockingly, despite how much he complained about his job, Tommy found himself actually missing going to work. That's how bored he was.

When Tommy first approached Wilbur with the idea of going back to work at Puffy's, Wilbur laughed in his face.

"Are you fucking kidding? The last time you were at Puffy's, you got kidnapped. You're insane if you think we're letting you go back to work," Wilbur scoffed, half-sunken into the couch.

Tommy frowned. "I'm not just gonna stay in here forever! Plus, Puffy's gotta be scrambling for someone to cover my shifts, and that's not really fair to her."

"Don't get me wrong, Puffy's like an aunt to me, but I think she'd rather you be safe and deal with being understaffed than let you get hurt again," Wilbur argued.

"Wilbur's right," Techno cut in from the kitchen where he was currently in the midst of peeling up—you guessed it—potatoes. "We're not lettin' you get kidnapped again. It was pain enough the first time finding that dumb warehouse Dream rented."

It was early evening. Outside, the setting sun had turned the city sky a dark shade of fiery orange, and Tommy knew that soon, Tubbo and Ranboo would be out in the city on patrol. Right now they were back at their apartment since, unlike Tommy, they didn't have any clothes of their own at the Soot house. They would be back later that night, but they were set to have Ender and Nuke do another swoop around Eastside, keeping an eye out for any sign of activity from Dream.

So that meant the only people in the house were Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and Phil. Just like before.

On one hand, it was almost nostalgic. For things to feel the way they did before Tommy knew the Soot family's biggest secret.

But on the other hand, it was really fucking annoying. Because now he knew he wasn't just dealing with the overprotective Soot's, but the overprotective Syndicate at the same time.

"But Technooooo," Tommy whined, dropping his head back against the couch. "C'mon! I'll be fine! Dream's not gonna try to kidnap me twice from the same place. He's not that fucking stupid."

"Tommy, we're not letting you go back to work. The risks are too high," Techno repeated.

Huffing, Tommy glanced back at Wilbur, who was giving him a smug look. Tommy stuck his tongue out at him, and in turn Wilbur stretched his legs across the couch and kicked his thigh. Narrowing his eyes, Tommy kicked Wilbur back, and soon the two were kicking each other back and forth. It wasn't enough to hurt, but Tommy could tell it was annoying the shit out of Wilbur, and that's what was most important.

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