Chapter 23

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Tommy stared blankly ahead for a few moments with the phone still pressed to his ear, trying to process what Tubbo just told him.

He was fucked. Completely and utterly fucked.

"Bossman? You still there or did you go into shock?" Tubbo asked, his voice crackling a bit over the phone speaker.

"I'm here," Tommy muttered, ignoring the worried glances from Wilbur and the rest of the Syndicate. "Was, um, was that all he said?"

"Actually, he made us take a video of him saying his demands. I just kind of paraphrased it for you," Tubbo explained, his voice shaking. "Do you want me to send you the video?"

Gulping, Tommy nodded before remembering Tubbo couldn't see that over the phone. "Yeah. Do that."

"Alright. Are you still at the meeting?"

"Yup. We were in the middle of talking about shit when you called."

Tubbo made a noise of sympathy. "You need to tell them about this, okay? They'll help you work it out. Ranboo and I are gonna head back to the Soot house and we'll be waiting there when you get back."

"Okay. I'll see you soon, Tubbo," Tommy told him, biting his lip. "Stay safe out there."

"Will do. And don't worry, Tommy. We're not letting you go to prison," Tubbo reassured him, although he didn't sound too confident as he said that.

The reassurance fell flat though because Tommy knew there was no way Tubbo could promise that. No one could really promise that right now. If Dream had evidence of Tommy healing the Syndicate like he claimed, he could turn Tommy in at any time, and there'd be nothing Tommy could do about it. He would just be fucked.

"Bye Tubbo," Tommy said before hanging up the phone.

A few seconds after he hung up, he got a ding notification, and saw Tubbo had texted him two videos: one that looked like grainy security footage, and one with Dream standing in the center of the thumbnail. Tommy flinched when he saw the still image of Dream, and was too focused on the phone to notice Wilbur leaning over his shoulder until it was too late.

"Why the fuck did Tubbo send you a video of Dream?" Wilbur asked, eyes widening. When Tommy was silent, Wilbur grabbed his chin and forced him to look up and meet his gaze. "Tommy, c'mon, what the hell was that call about?"

Shit. Tommy had to explain what was going on, and everyone in the Syndicate was going to freak out. Great. Just what he needed.

"Apparently, uh, Dream ran into Tubbo and Ranboo while they were on patrol and told them to pass along a message to me," Tommy started, his eyes dropping to the table. "Tubbo has a video of it."

Wilbur narrowed his eyes. "Then let's play it."

"Slide it to the center of the table so we can all hear it," Phil ordered, a shudder ruffling his feathers behind him.

Nodding, Tommy turned his volume all the way up, and pushed the phone to the center of the table as ordered. Then, he leaned over and pressed the play button.

"Tommy," Dream's voice rang out over the tinny speakers, and just hearing Dream say his name again was enough to make Tommy's heart leap into his throat. "If you're watching this, then you know I ran into your friends Ender and Nuke, and they were kind enough to let me pass on a message to you."

Behind the camera, Tommy heard Tubbo mutter a, "fuck you." He would've smiled at that if the situation were anything less dire.

"Anyway, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. With 404's help, I managed to find CCTV footage of you healing Siren for presumably the first time. If you don't believe me, I'm sending a copy to Nuke so he can send it to you. But the gist is that I can use this footage to send out a warrant for your arrest. Now, I haven't sent it to the Hero Committee yet, because frankly, I don't want to arrest you. You're just a kid who got caught up in shit he shouldn't have, and I don't think you deserve to be punished for that."

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