Chapter 19

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It wasn't long before 404 came back to the warehouse with two brown bags crinkling in his hands.

"I brought food," 404 announced, holding up the two bags to show to Tommy and Dream. Tommy's eyes caught on the yellow 'M' symbol printed on the side, his mouth watering when the scent of McDonald's fries hit his nose.

"Did you get me my usual?" Dream asked, pushing off the wall to grab the bag 404 was holding out to him.

"No, I decided to get you something you hated just because I felt like being a dick," 404 drawled sarcastically. Dream flipped him off and 404 ignored him as he brought the other bag towards Tommy. "I didn't know what you wanted so I got you a chicken nugget meal. Figured it was pretty neutral."

Oh. They got him McDonald's too? That was surprisingly nice for kidnappers.

"Uh, nuggets are fine," Tommy muttered, eyes widening when 404 dropped the bag on his lap.

"Dream, can I untie one of his arms so he can eat?" 404 asked, digging into his pocket.

"Go for it. Just don't take your eyes off of him," Dream said, sliding down the wall again and taking a burger out from the bag.

Yeah, like Tommy would try to escape with only one arm free while both heroes sat only a few feet away from him. He may have been impulsive, but he wasn't an idiot. Even he knew that would be a pointless attempt.

Nodding, 404 pulled one of his razor sharp throwing knives from his pocket. Tommy shrunk away at the sight of the weapon, but 404 didn't make any moves to hurt him with it. Instead, he wiggled it underneath the zip tie on Tommy's right wrist and sliced it off in one swift motion. The zip tie fell to the floor, and when Tommy lifted his arm, he gasped at the feeling of pins and needles rushing through his hand.

Pocketing the knife again, 404 settled down next to Dream on the floor, reaching into the bag he had and taking out a second burger. Tommy noticed that Dream had pushed his mask up enough to show his mouth, and it was almost disconcerting to be reminded that Dream actually had a face under the mask. That he wasn't just the Hero Dream, but he was a person too who ate McDonald's and bickered with his friend and seemingly hated pickles, judging by the way he kept tossing them off his quarter pounder.

Tommy then glanced down at the bag left on his lap. Inside he could see a ten piece box of nuggets, a medium french fry, and a water bottle.

It took a few seconds of stretching his fingers to try and get feeling back into his hand. But once he did, he immediately grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them in his mouth, moaning at how good it was since the only thing he'd had to eat since being kidnapped were the shitty granola bars Dream had been feeding him.

After he swallowed the fries, he struggled to open the water bottle with one hand, but managed it after a few seconds of struggling. Dream and 404 had been giving him plenty of water so far so he wasn't thirsty, but it was nice to actually have some water that was ice cold.

Then he grabbed the nuggets. There were two sauce containers at the bottom of the bag, and there was a flare of disappointment when he saw that 404 had gotten him BBQ sauce.

Stupidly enough, he thought back to the night Siren got him McDonald's as a thank you for saving his life. The beginning of the entire mess that had become his life. He remembered the judgemental look Siren gave him for getting ranch with his nuggets, and how Tommy had laughed while calling him a bitch for having taste buds so inferior they couldn't appreciate the deliciousness of ranch dressing.

There was an ache in his chest as the memory flashed through his mind. He missed Siren. He missed the banter, the jokes. He missed the reassuring squeezes on his shoulder, the familiar smirk set under a dark blindfold.

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