Chapter 2

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Tommy wasn't sure if he was going to see Siren again after that fateful night. While a part of him wanted to, just so he could get the chance to ask, 'hey, you're not going to kill me for the whole saving your life thing, are you?' he really just hoped the supervillain would leave him alone and pretend like they had never had their strange encounter.

And for a while, it seemed like that was going to be the case. Tommy went back to his normal routine, and waited for something to happen. Days were spent making lattes for stuck up people in Puffy's cafe. Nights were spent watching Netflix on a crammed couch with his two roommates. And when he walked home after sunset, he would rush past most dark alleys to avoid any more moral crises like before.

It had been about a week since the incident with Siren when that changed though.

Yet again, Tommy was walking home from the closing shift at the cafe. It had rained earlier that day, and the orange glow of the streetlights glittered against the water that had seeped into the sidewalk. His backpack thumped steadily against his back with every step, and Tommy grumbled to himself about an asshole customer he'd dealt with earlier that day.

He thought about all the ways he would've loved to cuss the guy out. If Puffy hadn't been watching him from one of the tables, he probably would have. Although Puffy had told him not to get into arguments with customers before, she never got seriously upset with Tommy over it, because she knew Tommy was usually in the right.

Because Tommy was always right. He was just That Cool.

Unfortunately for Tommy, he was so distracted while thinking about how cool and right he was all the time that he didn't notice the shadowy figure lurking in the alleyway he was passing by. A hand wrapped around his arm and yanked him into the alley. He opened his mouth to scream, but a second hand slammed over it before he could make a peep.

"Mmph mrph mmm!" Tommy screamed behind the hand, squirming against the iron grip pinning him to the wall.

"Shut up, gremlin child! It's just me!" A familiar voice hissed from the shadows. Tommy's eyes widened as his vision adjusted to the gloom, and he was able to make out a familiar blue mask covering the upper half of a man's face.

A rock dropped into his gut. Siren.

"I'm going to drop my hand now, and you're not going to scream because I'm not here to hurt you, got it?" Siren asked, and even though he couldn't see his eyes, Tommy could feel his intense stare.

Tommy nodded as best he could against the wall. Siren loosened the grip on his arm and dropped the hand from his mouth.

"What the FUCK?!" Tommy shouted as soon as his mouth was free. "Who the hell do you think you are just grabbing a guy off the street and pulling him into a fucking alley like a goddamn creep-"

The hand slammed over his mouth again. "I said no screaming," Siren repeated.

Huffing, Tommy stopped squirming against the hand. He raised an eyebrow at Siren, and after a few beats of silence, Siren dropped the hand once more.

"I wasn't screaming, dickhead. I was yelling at you for scaring the shit out of me," Tommy snapped in a much lower voice this time.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Siren said, actually sounding kind of embarrassed. That was... weird. Getting an apology from a supervillain just felt wrong.

But hey, Tommy would take it.

"Then why did you decide to just grab me and shove me in an alley like a goddamn kidnapper?" Tommy hissed.

"I didn't know how else to get you in a private place to talk! In case you haven't realized, I can't exactly just come up to you on the street," Siren explained, gesturing wildly with his hands.

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