Part X - ||A harmful day|| - 😈⚔️

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Hello, so I decided to try a new type of writing based on my favorite Wattpad writer, and NO, it's a different fandom,


*Setting: A quiet night in the forest, away from the chaos of demon slaying. The moonlight filters through the trees, creating a serene atmosphere. Sanemi leans against a tree, arms crossed, looking at Giyuu with a mix of annoyance and something else lurking beneath the surface.*

Sanemi: "You know, Giyuu, you always act so composed, like nothing can ever faze you. It’s infuriating! But… I can’t help but feel there’s more to you than that calm facade. What’s really going on in that head of yours?"

Giyuu: “I... don't know…”

Sanemi: *raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips* "You really don’t know? I thought you had everything figured out, Water Hashira. You're always so composed in battle, yet here you are, stumped. It’s kind of refreshing, in a way." *He steps closer, his tone softening slightly* "You can talk to me, you know. I might not be the easiest person to get along with, but I’m here if you need to share what's on your mind."

Giyuu: “Thank you, Shinazugawa-san”

Sanemi: *nods, the smirk fading as he looks more serious* "You can drop the formalities, Giyuu. Just call me Sanemi. We're comrades, after all. I know things can get heavy with the demons and all of our responsibilities, but it’s okay to let your guard down sometimes." *He glances away for a moment, then returns his gaze to Giyuu, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.* "Just know that I... I care about you. You’re not alone in this fight."

Giyuu: “I... I care about you too. It's just that I'm scared something would happen”

Sanemi: *his expression softens at Giyuu's words, and he steps even closer, lowering his voice* "I get it. Fear can be paralyzing, especially with everything we face. But you can't let it control you. We’ve both lost so much already… It’s okay to be scared, but don’t let that fear keep you from what matters." *He reaches out, placing a hand on Giyuu's shoulder, his grip firm yet reassuring.* "We’ll face whatever comes together. You and I, side by side. You have my back, and I have yours."

Giyuu: "Thank you... for everything" shreds a tear

Sanemi: *noticing the tear, his demeanor shifts to one of gentle concern* "Hey, don’t cry. You’re stronger than that, Giyuu." *He wipes the tear away with his thumb, his touch surprisingly tender.* "It’s okay to feel vulnerable. It shows you’re human, and I respect that. Just remember, it’s alright to lean on me. I won’t let you fall." *His tone becomes more earnest, a hint of warmth breaking through his usual tough exterior.* "You mean a lot to me, more than I probably let on. Let's keep pushing forward together."

Giyuu: "You too mean a lot to me." says whispering

Sanemi: *his heart races at Giyuu's words, and he takes a moment to process the weight of the confession. He leans in slightly, his voice barely above a whisper.* "I... I didn’t expect you to say that. It’s not easy for me to show it, but you bring out something different in me." *He pauses, searching Giyuu's eyes for understanding* "I guess what I’m trying to say is, I want to protect you... more than anyone else. You deserve that." *He takes a breath, vulnerability creeping into his expression.* "Let’s promise each other that no matter what happens, we’ll always be there for one another."

Giyuu: Leans in closer, not wanting to ever let go because of being touch starved. "I love you dearly," whispers

Sanemi: *feeling the warmth of Giyuu's closeness, his heart swells at the confession. He gazes into Giyuu's eyes, his own voice trembling slightly with emotion.* "I love you too, Giyuu. More than I ever thought I could." *He leans in even closer, closing the distance between them, his breath mingling with Giyuu's.* "You’ve become my anchor in this storm we call life. I don’t want to let go, either." *With a newfound determination, he wraps his arms around Giyuu, holding him tightly, as if to shield him from the world outside.* "We’ll face everything together, I promise."

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