Chapter 2: Unseen But Close

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Yunshu couldn't resist returning to Cookie's studio. Day after day, she teleported back to the place where she felt a strange sense of belonging, even though Cookie still couldn't see her. She watched him rehearse, sweat, and struggle through long hours of practice. He seemed so perfect on stage, but up close, Yunshu saw a side of him that no one else did. He wasn't just an idol-he was human.

One evening, as Cookie sat alone in the studio after hours, something changed. He leaned against the mirror, his face thoughtful.

"Sometimes I feel like... someone's watching me," he said, glancing around.

Yunshu froze. Could he sense her presence?

Cookie smiled faintly, shaking his head. "If there's someone here, I wish you'd talk to me."

Yunshu's heart skipped a beat. She had been careful to stay silent, but the temptation to speak to him was too strong. What if he was really talking to her? Slowly, cautiously, she whispered, "I'm here, Cookie."

To her shock, Cookie's eyes flickered toward her. He couldn't see her, not completely, but there was a flicker of awareness.

"Who's there?" he asked, his voice low.

Yunshu panicked and disappeared, teleporting back to her room in India. She sat on her bed, heart racing, her thoughts a whirlwind. How had he sensed her? Was this magic fading? Would she lose the ability to see him?

Over the next few days, Yunshu found herself at a crossroads. She was growing more attached to Cookie, but she couldn't forget that she was invisible to him-just like in real life. She wanted so badly to tell him who she was, to talk to him like a friend, but fear held her back. What if he didn't like her once he knew the truth?

But despite her doubts, Yunshu kept returning. She couldn't stay away. And slowly, as if by some miracle, Cookie started to feel her presence more.

One night, Cookie was sitting on the studio floor, exhausted, after hours of practice. He spoke again, almost as if he knew she was there.

"I know it sounds crazy, but... I feel like I'm not alone. It's like... I can talk to someone, even if they're invisible. I know you can hear me, whoever you are."

Yunshu felt tears prick at her eyes. For the first time, she felt seen, even if it wasn't completely real.

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