Chapter 1: The Wish That Changed Everything

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Yunshu was just like any other girl. She lived a quiet life in India, where she felt ordinary, invisible even, compared to the beautiful, glamorous girls she saw on social media. She was chubby, shy, and constantly doubted her own worth. Her only escape was music-specifically, the music of Cookie, the K-pop idol who had stolen her heart from the moment she saw him perform. His smile was the sun to her cloudy days, his voice the comfort in her lonely nights.

Every night, she would watch Cookie's videos, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, but always wishing she could be near him. One night, after a particularly hard day of feeling overlooked by her friends, Yunshu made a quiet, desperate wish.

*"I wish I could meet you, Cookie. I wish I could be someone you'd notice."*

The next morning, Yunshu woke up feeling... different. There was something in the air, something she couldn't quite place. She rubbed her eyes, thinking it was just another dream. But when she got out of bed, something strange happened. She wasn't in her bedroom anymore. She was... somewhere else.

The room was bright, modern, and unfamiliar. Her heart raced as she took in her surroundings-mirrors, posters, and equipment that looked like a dance studio. Then, she heard it.

His voice.

Turning slowly, Yunshu saw him. **Cookie.**

She stood frozen, unable to believe her eyes. Cookie was right in front of her, practicing his dance moves, completely unaware of her presence. Her heart thundered in her chest, her mind racing.

*"How... how is this possible? Am I dreaming?"*

But no matter how hard she pinched herself, it was real. She was standing in Cookie's studio, and yet... he couldn't see her. She waved her hand in front of his face. Nothing. Cookie didn't even blink.

"Maybe I'm invisible..." she whispered to herself, trying to process everything.

For hours, she watched him, feeling both excited and frustrated. She was right there, inches from her idol, and yet he had no idea she existed. But then Cookie did something that changed everything-he sat down, letting out a long, tired sigh.

*"If anyone's there... I could really use a friend right now."*

Yunshu's heart ached for him. She had never imagined that Cookie could feel lonely. She wanted to respond, to comfort him, but she was afraid. What if this magic was temporary? What if she would disappear and never see him again?

Instead, she whispered softly, "I'm here, Cookie. I'm right here."

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