Chapter 10: Two Years in Silence

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Two years had passed since Yunshu first stepped foot in Seoul, yet not a day went by without her thinking of Cookie. She immersed herself in her studies, but the void left by his absence was palpable. Every time she heard a familiar song or caught a glimpse of him on TV, her heart ached with longing.

Meanwhile, Cookie was still haunted by memories of Yunshu. Despite the glitz and glamour surrounding him as an idol, he often felt the weight of emptiness. Every night, as he lay in bed after a long day of rehearsals and performances, his thoughts drifted to her. He replayed their moments together in his mind, wishing he could turn back time.

He had searched for clues about her whereabouts, but the trail had grown cold. Every time he saw a familiar face in the crowd or thought he spotted her in a café, hope surged within him, only to be crushed moments later when it turned out to be someone else. *Where are you, Yunshu?* he wondered, frustration and longing battling within him. *I need to know you're okay.*

Cookie often confided in his team members, sharing how much he missed her. "It's like a part of me is missing," he would say, his voice heavy with emotion. His friends tried to reassure him, reminding him of how much Yunshu had cared for him, but the ache in his heart wouldn't fade.

"Maybe she's moved on," one of them suggested gently. "You need to focus on your career, Cookie."

But Cookie shook his head, determination shining in his eyes. "No. I won't give up on her. I just need one clue. One sign that she's out there."

He often scrolled through social media, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. He followed hashtags related to the city, searching for photos or posts that might give him a hint of her existence. Each time he found something that resembled her-a chubby girl laughing in a group photo or someone with a similar hairstyle-his heart would race, only to sink again when he realized it wasn't her.

Despite the pain of missing her, Cookie pushed forward with his career, performing to sold-out crowds and winning awards. Yet, the emptiness inside him grew. He smiled for the cameras, but those smiles were often tinged with sadness.

One night, after a particularly successful concert, Cookie stood alone on the rooftop of their dorm, gazing at the sprawling city below. The lights twinkled like stars, but none of them felt as bright as the memory of Yunshu. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel the weight of his heartache.

"I miss you, Yunshu," he whispered into the night. "I hope wherever you are, you're happy."

As the wind rustled through his hair, he made a silent promise to himself: *I won't stop looking for you. I'll find you again, no matter what it takes.*

With that thought echoing in his mind, he stepped back inside, determined to find a way to reunite with the girl who had stolen his heart.


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