Chapter 7: A Night of Chaos

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The day of the concert performance finally arrived, and the energy in the studio was electric. Yunshu had been looking forward to this moment, where Cookie would shine on stage. But as they prepared, Jia approached Yunshu with a sly smile.

"Hey, why don't we celebrate before the concert?" Jia suggested, her eyes glinting mischievously. "There's a bar nearby, and it'll be fun to let loose a little!"

Yunshu hesitated, glancing toward Cookie and the rest of the team as they discussed the performance. "But what if they need me?"

"Oh, come on! It'll be fine! Just for a little while. We'll be back before they miss us!" Jia insisted, wrapping her arm around Yunshu's shoulders and pulling her away.

Reluctantly, Yunshu agreed, and the two headed to the bar, where the atmosphere was lively and buzzing. Jia led her to a table, ordering a round of drinks.

As the night wore on, Yunshu found herself caught up in the excitement. Jia kept encouraging her to drink more, assuring her it was all in good fun. "You're with a friend, right? Just let go and enjoy!" she chirped.

Before long, Yunshu was feeling lightheaded, her laughter echoing through the bar as the world around her began to blur. Meanwhile, Jia watched with a satisfied smirk, knowing she was gaining the upper hand.

"Let's take a selfie!" Jia exclaimed, holding up her phone. As they posed, a group of boisterous boys nearby noticed Yunshu, their eyes lighting up at the sight of the drunk girl giggling uncontrollably.

With a smirk, one of the boys approached. "Hey there, pretty lady! Why don't you join us?" he slurred, leaning closer.

Jia glanced at the boys, a flicker of concern passing through her eyes, but she quickly masked it with indifference. "Yunshu, they're just being friendly! You should have fun!"

Suddenly feeling uneasy, Yunshu tried to stand up, but the room spun around her. "I-I think I should go..." she stammered, looking for a way out.

"Oh, come on! Don't be a buzzkill!" the boy laughed, grabbing her wrist.

Panic surged through Yunshu as she tried to pull away. "Let go of me!" she exclaimed, her heart racing.

In a flurry of adrenaline, she darted away from the table, pushing past the boys who followed her, their laughter turning into taunts. "Where do you think you're going?" one shouted, the sound of their footsteps echoing behind her.

Yunshu stumbled out of the bar, the night air hitting her like a slap. She started running, adrenaline kicking in as she tried to escape the group. "Help! Someone!" she yelled, but the street was empty, the bar's music fading behind her.

As she dashed down the road, she felt a sudden rush of danger as the boys closed in. Fear propelled her forward, but in her frantic escape, she didn't see the car racing toward her.


The impact sent her flying to the ground, pain exploding through her body as darkness swallowed her whole.


Meanwhile, inside the bar, the owner, a close friend of Cookie's, watched the chaos unfold. He saw the boys laughing and heard Yunshu's cries for help. Rushing outside, he found her unconscious on the road, the boys scattering in the other direction.

"Call an ambulance!" he shouted, kneeling beside her. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Cookie, frantic to get him there. "Dude, you need to come to the bar now! It's urgent!"


On stage, Cookie felt the energy of the crowd and was lost in the music. He performed flawlessly, but in the back of his mind, he kept thinking about Yunshu. After the final song, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

When the performance ended, he quickly checked his phone and saw multiple missed calls from the bar owner. His heart raced as he dialed the number.

"Where the hell have you been?!" the owner exclaimed as soon as Cookie picked up. "Yunshu is in trouble! She was brought here by Jia, and she left her! Some boys tried to misbehave with her, and she ran away from them but... she got hit by a car! She's in the ICU right now!"

"What?!" Cookie's blood ran cold. "Is she okay? I'm on my way!"

Without waiting for a response, he sprinted out of the venue, his heart pounding as panic clawed at him. Thoughts of Yunshu filled his mind. He should have been there.

As he raced to the hospital, Cookie felt the weight of regret and fear pressing down on him. He should have protected her, and now it was too late. Would she be okay?


The night had turned into a nightmare, and as Cookie rushed to the ICU, he knew he had to confront his feelings for Yunshu once and for all before it was too late.


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