Chapter 8 - Lost without you

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The atmosphere in the ICU was thick with tension as Cookie rushed through the doors, his heart pounding in his chest. He scanned the room desperately, searching for Yunshu. His breath hitched when he saw her lying on the hospital bed, pale and fragile, with tubes connected to her.

“Yunshu!” he cried, rushing to her side. He took her hand gently, tears spilling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry… I should have been there for you. I should have protected you!”

As he spoke, his sobs filled the room. He felt an overwhelming wave of regret crash over him. *If only I had been there...* The thought echoed relentlessly in his mind. He watched her chest rise and fall, a slow and steady rhythm that only deepened his anguish.

“I can’t lose you,” he whispered, leaning closer to her. “Please wake up. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. You mean everything to me.”

But as he poured his heart out, Yunshu’s form began to shimmer and fade, as if she were slipping away from his grasp. Confusion washed over Cookie as he watched her dissolve into a soft glow, leaving him in darkness.

Suddenly, Cookie found himself alone in his apartment, the sounds of the hospital fading away. He blinked, bewildered, and looked around. He was back home, but it felt empty without her presence.

“Yunshu!” he called out, panic rising within him. But there was no answer. No sound, no trace of her.

Days turned into weeks, and Yunshu found herself back in her own room, but the warmth of her home felt hollow. She sat on her bed, staring at the wall, feeling lost and abandoned. Her powers were gone, leaving her feeling more ordinary than ever.

With each passing day, Cookie’s absence grew heavier. As she lay there, she could hear the faint sounds of his laughter echoing in her mind, but they felt so far away now.

Meanwhile, Cookie was spiraling into despair. He spent hours scrolling through social media, looking for any sign of Yunshu. He watched as she faded from his life, her presence on his feed growing sparse. Even though he tried to put on a brave face for his fans, behind his smile was a deep sadness that consumed him.

“I never even asked her anything,” he lamented, his heart aching. “I was so caught up in my world that I didn’t take the time to know her. She cared about me… and I didn’t even give her the chance to tell me her story.”

His friends noticed his change, but every attempt to cheer him up fell flat. Cookie found no joy in anything anymore, laughing felt like a betrayal to Yunshu. He stopped performing as passionately, his heart no longer in it.

*Where are you, Yunshu?* he thought endlessly. He wandered through the memories they shared, replaying every moment in his head. The laughter, the playful banter, the quiet moments of understanding—all of it felt like a dream slipping through his fingers.

On the other side, Yunshu watched Cookie from her room, feeling hopeless as she saw him smiling on stage but sensed the sadness behind his eyes. *He needs me,* she thought, her heart aching. *But how can I go back? I’m just… nothing now.*

The distance between them felt insurmountable, a chasm of missed opportunities and unspoken words. Both of them were trapped in their own worlds, longing for connection but unable to reach out.

As the nights grew darker, they both realized the depth of their feelings—feelings they had been too afraid to acknowledge. But in their separation, they felt the pain of not being able to express those feelings, and it consumed them both.


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