Chapter 3: The Revelation of Powers

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Yunshu felt an unfamiliar surge of energy within her the next morning. When she returned to Cookie's studio, something extraordinary happened-he could see her. Not just sense her presence, but truly see her.

"Who... who are you?" Cookie asked, his voice shaky with disbelief.

Yunshu, still coming to terms with her new ability, stammered. "I'm... Yunshu. I've been watching you for a while now, but you couldn't see me before."

Cookie blinked, trying to process everything. "This is insane... but why do I feel like I already know you?"

Yunshu smiled, and instead of letting the seriousness linger, she playfully added, "Maybe I was your invisible guardian angel? Or... maybe just a fangirl with magical powers."

Her light-hearted tone made Cookie chuckle despite himself. "Guardian angel, huh? Do they come with magic powers now?"

Yunshu shrugged, flashing a cheeky grin. "I'm the upgraded version!"

For the first time since meeting her, Cookie laughed. It wasn't just because of what she said, but the way she said it-her tone, her playful manner. There was something so disarmingly cute and funny about her, like a burst of sunshine that had entered his life when he least expected it.


In the days that followed, Cookie found himself eagerly anticipating Yunshu's company. At first, he was still unsure-how could he trust someone who had been invisible? But the more time he spent with her, the more he realized that she wasn't just a mystery. Yunshu was fun. She was adorable, quick with witty remarks and stories that made him laugh even after his hardest days.

One evening, after a grueling rehearsal, Cookie collapsed on the couch, looking exhausted. Yunshu appeared beside him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Do you know what you need?" she asked, hands on her hips like she had a master plan.

"What?" Cookie raised an eyebrow.

"A pillow fight!" Yunshu declared, tossing a pillow straight at his face.

Cookie blinked in shock as the pillow hit him, but Yunshu was already laughing. Her laugh was infectious, so full of life that Cookie couldn't help but join in, despite himself. The tension of the day melted away in seconds, and before long, they were both laughing like children, tossing pillows at each other and falling into fits of giggles.

"Okay, okay! I surrender!" Cookie finally gasped, holding up his hands in defeat, his sides hurting from laughing so much.

Yunshu grinned triumphantly, plopping down next to him. "See? You can't say I'm not a great stress-buster."

Cookie shook his head, still smiling. "You're impossible."

Yunshu nudged him playfully. "That's why you like me."

Though he didn't admit it aloud, Cookie realized how true her words were. He had grown fond of her. Yunshu wasn't just there to watch over him or be by his side-she was the light that brightened even his darkest days.


Yunshu's cute and talkative nature made every moment with her feel special. She had a knack for turning even the most ordinary situations into something funny or memorable. Whether it was making goofy faces when Cookie was upset or cracking jokes about his dance routines, she always knew how to bring a smile to his face.

One afternoon, as they walked through the city, Cookie was deep in thought, the pressures of being an idol weighing on him. Without warning, Yunshu started skipping beside him, singing a ridiculous, made-up song in her sweet, off-key voice:

"Cookie's too cool, but he's too quiet,
Yunshu's here, and she'll start a riot!
Let's dance on the street, don't care if they stare,
'Cause life's more fun when you're dancing in air!"

Cookie stopped in his tracks, watching her with wide eyes. She was twirling around like a kid, her hair bouncing as she moved, completely lost in her own little world of joy.

"Come on, Cookie!" she urged, grabbing his hand and spinning him around. "You're too serious!"

For a second, Cookie resisted. But then, seeing her infectious smile and bright energy, he let go. He spun around with her, laughing as she led him in a silly, impromptu street dance. Passersby stared, some even snapping photos, but Cookie didn't care. In that moment, all he could focus on was Yunshu's radiant happiness and how, for the first time in ages, he felt completely free.


As days turned into weeks, Yunshu's presence became a constant comfort to Cookie. She was there for him when he had to deal with grueling practice sessions, when his insecurities crept in, and when the pressure of fame felt overwhelming.

When Cookie was frustrated, Yunshu would crack a joke or make a funny face, breaking his tension in an instant. She had a way of lightening even the heaviest moments, making him laugh when he needed it most.

But Yunshu was more than just cute and funny-she was there for Cookie in every way. When things got tough, she stood by him, offering quiet support. When Cookie doubted himself, she was the one who reminded him how talented and hardworking he was. She listened, encouraged, and understood him in ways no one else ever had.

"Why are you always here for me?" Cookie asked one night, his voice soft as they sat on the rooftop overlooking the city.

Yunshu smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Because I want to be. You deserve to have someone by your side, Cookie."

He looked down at her, his heart swelling with gratitude. "You make me happy," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how, but you do."

Yunshu beamed, her eyes twinkling in the night. "Well, that's my superpower!"

Cookie chuckled softly, realizing that Yunshu had become more than just someone he could talk to-she had become his habit, his light, and his reason to smile.

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